Sunday, March 29, 2009

EU warns Spain over development

"The European Parliament has voted in favour of a report criticising Spanish property laws.

The report says Spanish legislation allowing developers to acquire private land below market rates breaches the European Convention on Human Rights."

Are the opening paragraphs in an interesting article on the BBC website entitled EU warns Spain over development which includes an interview by the Danish Green Party MEP Margrete Auken who presented the report.

Let's hope that Spanish national government and the Valencian regional government takes notice and if they don't that the EU carries out it's promised threat "to freeze hundreds of millions of euros in Spain's EU funding if the Spanish government does not tackle what the parliament condemned as "extensive urbanisation" practices."

By the way you wouldn't expect me to miss the opportunity to draw your attention to the fact that Margrete Auken is a member on the European Green Party group as is David Hammerstein, MEP from the Green party in Spain, who is on the petitions committee.

Friday, March 27, 2009

What is the Story of Stuff?

"From its extraction through sale, use and disposal, all the stuff in our lives affects communities at home and abroad, yet most of this is hidden from view. The Story of Stuff is a fast-paced, fact-filled look at the underside of our production and consumption patterns. The Story of Stuff exposes the connections between a huge number of environmental and social issues, and calls us together to create a more sustainable and just world. It'll teach you something, it'll make you laugh, and it just may change the way you look at all the stuff in your life forever."

Although this presentation uses American based analogies the principles relate to the World and I think is well worth the time to view it. I think it certainly makes you think!

Watch it NOW!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Two more European Resident's stalls at the Campoamor Market.

On the 18th March I reported that Los Verdes had received confirmation that 4 of the European resident traders that the party has been helping with their applications to obtain sites on the Campoamor market were successful. They had been allocated 4 of the 10 pitches that had become available as a result of the recent review, by the Council, of the stalls not being used.

Today (26th March) saw two, of the lucky four, trading at the market only 1 day after receiving the all important official confirmation from the Council of their (stall holders) allocation of a pitch.

Alex and Gill Lightbody sell a range of water filters, batteries, electric light bulbs and household goods.

Barry and Sue Gentry sell a range of arts and craft materials and toys.

Both set of traders stated that they were very pleased and excited to at last be trading at the market after such a long anxious period since their first applications to the Council and thanked Los Verdes for all the party's work and involvement in helping them to obtain a pitch. Sue Gentry said she was “over the moon” about the outcome. Barry added "the Spanish pitch holders showed a willingness to accept us".

It is very good to see the Campoamor market filling up and more of the 80 or so pitches being occupied. However when Los Verdes were told of the recent re-allocations it was stated by the Council representative that only 10 pitches had become available. It follows on therefore that when visiting the market today we would have expected to see somewhere in the region of 95%, or more, of the sites occupied but unfortunately this was not the case, as can been seen from the photograph. In the region of 20 pitches were vacant and the space being used for parking of traders vehicles.

Allowing for some genuine reasons for a small number of traders not attending today, where were the rest of them?

Los Verdes hope that their absence has been noted and that these will count towards the '5 non-attendances and your out' rule so that those traders that want to attend the market, and are still waiting, will get the all important pitch allocation. We will continue to monitor the situation.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Asturias Sunday Rastrillo

A meeting took place on Tuesday 24th March at 16.30 hrs. in the Asturias restaurant to discuss the current problems with the closure of the popular Sunday rastrillo.

34 people attended the meeting organised by Nelinda Neuvinger in the role of the spokesperson for the stallholders, including Carlos Campo, the owner of the premises, Gérard Perret, Coordinator of the Los Verdes Orihuela Costa Working Group, and a spokesperson for the ASIMEPP charity, one of the beneficiary charities of the rastrillo.

A suggestion was put forward that a demonstration should be held to show the Council the support that exists for the continuation of the rastrillo. The meeting was advised by the Los Verdes representative that this was not the time for such action and that it would probably exasperate the situation with the Council. At this time it will be more constructive to follow the correct administrative application procedures.

It was agreed that Nelinda Neuvinger will present a new application to hold the weekly charity rastrillo, supported with the necessary Council required documents, to the Town Hall.

In addition she will forward a copy of the application to Monserrate Guillén, Los Verdes Councillor for the Coast, so that he can talk direct to Councillor Aniorte, PP Councillor for the Coast, and PP Councillor Cutillas, who is responsible for the market licences, to emphasis the benefits of the rastrillo to Orihuela Costa.

Gérard Perret confirmed that Los Verdes will continue to work with the organisers of the Asturias rastrillo to try to see its successful re-opening, as we are with a similar rastrillo at the Emerald Isle leisure facility.

Los Verdes believe that there are several benefits to be had from the approval of the rastrillos (flea markets) including the generation of funds for the charities, the opportunity for residents of the area to profit from the sale and recycling of their unused and surplus items, and the opportunity to meet and integrate socially with other European citizens.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Clr Aniorte visits the Emerald Isle

In the article entitled Clr Aniorte will support Rastrillos at the Emerald Isle on the 11th March I mentioned that as a result of the meeting, arranged by Los Verdes, between the owners of the business and Clr Aniorte, he said he would carry out a site visit during this week to inspect the facilities at the Emerald Isle restaurant for holding 'rastrillos'.

I'm pleased to report that today (18th March) Sr. Aniorte was true to his word and visited the Emerald Isle.

James and Paul Moran (proprietors) confirmed to me that they felt the Councillor's visit was a positive action and that they are more hopeful of a successful outcome of their application to hold the flea markets (rastrillos). Sr Aniorte reaffirmed to them his support for the proposal which will be presented to his colleague Councillor Cutillas, who has responsibility for market licences.

Campoamor Market - Re-allocation of non-utilized pitches

I reported in the article on the 3rd March (about the meeting held with Clr Cutillas to discuss the Campoarmor market) that we were assured by Sr Cutillas that he would telephone Ulla Perret, Los Verdes member, on the 16th March to give an update on the re-allocation of non utilized market pitches.

Today (18th March), having still not received a call from the Councillor several attempts were made to contact him to obtain an update. As he was not available messages were left requesting the information.

As a direct result of the Los Verdes calls today we received an answer. As a result of the review carried out, with the deadline date of the 13th March 2009, there are only 10 pitches that have become vacant and of these 4 have been allocated to applicants (European residents) that Los Verdes have been helping to obtain a site.

Whilst this will be good news for the successful applicants we are disappointed in the number allocated. It would appear that there are still less than 9% of the total pitches (80) at the market allocated to European residents. This seems to fall short from the statement by Sr. Cutillas on the 3rd March that he wanted the market to be made up of a variety of different nationalities.

With the confirmation that only 10 pitches were not wanted by the previous licence holders, it must follow on that once the new traders take up these 10 sites the Campoamor market will be fully occupied every Thursday from now on. Los Verdes hope this is the case!

Members of the Orihuela Costa Working Group will continue to monitor the situation to see whether or not the "4 weeks non-attendance and the trader looses the licence" rule is adhered to by the Councillor for Markets.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Clr Aniorte will support Rastrillos at the Emerald Isle

Yesterday (10th March) members of the Orihuela Costa Working Group of Los Verdes of Orihuela advised and assisted the owners, James and Paul Moran, of the Emerald Isle and Celtic Isle restaurants at a meeting with Sr. José Antonio Aniorte, Councillor for the coast and responsible for European residents. They discussed the proposal from the restaurant owners to hold charity rastrillos (flea markets) within their premises, for the benefit of various local charities, similar to those that are held at other locations in Orihuela Costa.

As a result of the meeting a formal application for permission to hold the sales was presented, supported with a letter from AEEC the non-profit making anti cancer association, which wants to benefit from donations generated by the holding of the markets.

Next week, Clr Aniorte, accompanied by the person responsible for European residents, will visit the Emerald Isle restaurant to inspect the facilities. He promised to support the application to be put before the Councillor with responsibility for Markets because it is request of a cultural and social nature that will be of benefit to Orihuela Costa.

The owners think that the meeting was very positive and look forward to a prompt approval for the rastrillo.

Los Verdes believe that there are several benefits to be had from the approval of the rastrillos (flea markets) including the generation of funds for the charities, the opportunity for residents of the area to profit from the sale and recycling of their unused and surplus items, and the opportunity to meet and integrate socially with other European citizens.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

The Breathing Earth simulation

My attention was drawn to the Breathing Earth simulation website by the BBC's Click TV programme.

This real-time simulation displays the CO2 emissions of every country in the world, as well as their birth and death rates.

It is interesting and can become addictive viewing.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Los Verdes Surgery - 18th March 2009

The third surgery of 2009 to be held by Councillor Monserrate Guillén, Los Verdes Councillor for the Coast, will be held on the Wednesday 18th March 2009 from 10.00 am to 12.30 pm at the Emerald Isle in La Florida in Orihuela Costa.

This is the opportunity for any residents of the coast to discuss their individual problems directly with their Councillor irrespective of which party they support.

Please note that this surgery is at it's new location.

As all the previous surgeries have been very busy, if someone wants to ask for a specific time, to reduce waiting, they should contact us by email at either, or telephone 965319660 to request a time if it's still available.

We provide translation facilities for English, French, German and Swedish into Spanish during the surgery.

The FREE Starter Kits, available for the People's 'Litter Pick-up' as part of the 'Clean up the Costa' campaign, will be available for collection during the surgery times from any of the Los Verdes members present.

It is also the opportunity to discuss the 'Dignity for the Disabled' campaign.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Mediterranean Sea Level Could Rise By Over Two Feet, Global Models Predict

ScienceDaily (Mar. 4, 2009) — A Spanish-British research project has come up with three future scenarios for the effects of climate change on the Mediterranean over the next 90 years, using global models from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). The conclusions show that ocean temperatures in this area will increase, along with sea levels.

Read more HERE

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Campoamor Market Councillor meets Los Verdes

Today (3rd March) four members of the Orihuela Costa Working Group of Los Verdes of Orihuela, accompanied by three applicants for stalls on the Campoamor Market, attended a meeting with José Manuel Cutillas, the Councillor with responsibility for markets, at the Ayuntamiento in Orihuela.

Los Verdes member Ulla Perret explained to the Councillor the concerns of the many non-Spanish business people who have applied, but been unsuccessful in their applications, to obtain a stall on the market, although for the many weeks that it has been open, both at the original and new location, there have been almost half of the sites left vacant. The stall holders who have been allocated these positions have chosen not to attend. The Councillor was asked why the pitches that were left vacant were not re-allocated to traders who wanted to attend the market.

Sr. Cutillas confirmed during the meeting that the current under-utilisation of the pitches in the market was under review. The traders who have chosen not to attend each week have been given until the 13th March 2009 to confirm whether or not they wish to keep their pitch and will be trading each week. Any sites that are confirmed as no longer wanted will be re-allocated amongst the outstanding applications. The Councillor was asked what was to stop unscrupulous traders who had no intention at this time of being at the market but prepared to pay for a pitch so as to keep the allocation for future use. He confirmed that if a pitch was not occupied for a period of four weeks then the trader would lose the licence and it would be re-allocated.

Sr. Cutillas was asked why this procedure, in accordance with the current Bye-law governing any market in the Orihuela Municipal, has not been acted upon already, given the length of time the market has been in existence both at the Campoamor and Aqua Marina locations, and the empty pitches issued to some of the enthusiastic traders who desperately want to be part of the Campoamor market. He said that because of the inadequacies in the start and promotion of the market at the Campoamor site and change of location to the Agua Marina site it was being treated as a new market.

(This seems a convenient way of ignoring past non-attendance and giving the deliberately absent stall holders a second bite of the cherry.)

He was asked if that means that when the market moves back to its summer Campoamor site, traders will have to reapply for sites there. He said of course not, as it is the same market!

Councillor Cutillas confirmed that he would telephone Ulla Perret, as a member of the Orihuela Costa Working Group, on the 16th March 2008 to give an update on the progress of possible vacant sites and re-allocation of these, to the traders being assisted by Los Verdes.

Sr. Cutillas confirmed that he wanted the market to be made up of a variety of traders of different nationalities and that preference would be given to residents of Orihuela Municipality where possible, taking into consideration the products sold.

Although some of those who met Councillor Cutillas were not entirely satisfied with the response from him, it was clear that at this time there was not going to be any further progress from his department until after the 13th March, but they wait with intense interest to see how he acts after then.

Will there be any re-allocation of market spaces to European residents of Orihuela?