On the 7th August I posted the article “Plans to ban Plastic Bags for 2010 in which I reported that Los Verdes had filed a motion to be debated at the next Town Council meeting, referring to the alarming and continuous use of plastic bags, without taking into account the indications that come from almost all administrations divulging information on measures to combat climate change. We pointed out that this Council can not and must not turn it's back on the serious environmental issues.
At the Pleno (Full Town Council meeting) held on Tuesday the 16th September the Motion was presented for discussion.
• The City Council, established jointly with local businesses a campaign aimed at consumers, which has as its ultimate goal to limit the use of plastic bags to be in compliance in a phased manner to the National Waste Plan.
• Request that through the local Chamber of Commerce it will study the feasibility and economic viability of a campaign of distributing reusable bags in each and every local businesses so as to minimize the use of plastic bags coupled with the promotion of local commerce.
• That this administration claims from the Central Spanish Government and from the Provincial Government of Valencia, financial help that is availbale, to promote the use of alternatives to plastic bags.
• That details of the contents of this motion and the agreements reached are made known to the authorities and administrations cited in the proposal.
Los Verdes are very pleased to announce that the Council voted unanimously to adopt the motion in entirety as presented. This is a tremendous success in the continual steps that the party takes to ensure that the Council takes account of and acts on measures necessary to protect the environment.
We will monitor the performance of the ruling PP Council to ensure it honours it's responsibility to carry out the actions required within this approved Motion.
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