Friday, February 27, 2009

Orihuela Town Council meeting - 24th February 2009

At the full monthly meeting of the Orihuela Town Council (Pleno) held on Tuesday 24th February 2009 the following points which affect Orihuela Costa were discussed.

Failure to provide access to Opposition Councillors in Orihuela Costa

The Los Verdes Motion for the allocation of office facilities for the Elected Opposition parties in the Orihuela Costa Ayuntamineto as reported on the 20th February was presented to the Pleno.

Unfortunately, but not unexpectedly, the Motion was rejected by the PP ruling party with its 14 votes against the 11 votes in favour by Los Verdes, PSOE & CLR.

Once again the residents of Orihuela Costa are discriminated against by the PP, as they have done with the 2009 Budget and offensive statements from the Coordinator for European Residents, Stefan Pokroppa.

The PP Councillors stated that if residents of the coast have problems then they can speak to Sr. Pokroppa, the man who thinks so little of them, in the Ayuntamiento, they don't need facilities to speak to representatives of the Opposition parties.

This is a deliberate action to stop the residents exercising their democratic rights of free access to consult with their elected representatives in their local Town Hall, a public access amenity building.

Residential Nursing Home for La Zenia II

Another "surprise" on the coast for owners of residential plots in La Zenia II (Sector E-1) who thought they'd bought their property in a residential area.

The PP Government proposes a modification of the General Plan, to include in this part of the plan an area for hotel trade use, so as to allow the building of private residential nursing homes, up to 4 storeys high. Once again the PP uses town planning rules as it likes, so as to favour certain property developers.

Los Verdes think that it is disrespectful to the current residents, it will bring many problems, such as traffic noise day and night with the coming and going of ambulances and other service vehicles.

Los Verdes voted against this proposed modification.

PAU 21 – Las Collinas – Planning alteration.

The Sierra de Escalona and Dehesa de Campoamor are considered as one of the most important natural jewels of the European Union. Proof of this has been its recent inclusion in the catalogue of selected areas by the Valencian Community to make up the network of natural areas of the European Community, thus recognizing the significance of this spot at the international level.

In this mountain range is situated the Las Collinas Urbanization (PAU 21) which has caused much controversy, and Los Verdes have always voted against this project because we believe it is vital to save this space because of its unique nature in Vega Baja.

Now the PP Government has planned for a re-arrangement of roads and parking facilities (an increase of 80 places) through a detailed study.

Only the PP voted in favour of this alteration using their outright majority of 3 to push it through.

Control of FEIL job creating funds for the long-term unemployed.

Los Verdes presented a motion in relation to complimentary measures in the investment projects financed by FEIL (state funds for local investment) to look for greater control of these funds and to prevent a certain rogue element that would exist at the time, to recruit the unemployed workers, by requiring companies contracting for the completion of these works to use at least 40% of people registered on the lists of SERVEF(Valenciano Employment Service and Training).

The Motion received an unanimous vote in favour by all parties (Los Verdes, PSOE, CLR and PP).

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