Sunday, March 29, 2009

EU warns Spain over development

"The European Parliament has voted in favour of a report criticising Spanish property laws.

The report says Spanish legislation allowing developers to acquire private land below market rates breaches the European Convention on Human Rights."

Are the opening paragraphs in an interesting article on the BBC website entitled EU warns Spain over development which includes an interview by the Danish Green Party MEP Margrete Auken who presented the report.

Let's hope that Spanish national government and the Valencian regional government takes notice and if they don't that the EU carries out it's promised threat "to freeze hundreds of millions of euros in Spain's EU funding if the Spanish government does not tackle what the parliament condemned as "extensive urbanisation" practices."

By the way you wouldn't expect me to miss the opportunity to draw your attention to the fact that Margrete Auken is a member on the European Green Party group as is David Hammerstein, MEP from the Green party in Spain, who is on the petitions committee.

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