It is feared that two out of three European voters will not cast a ballot in this June’s elections.
On the European Parliament website for the 2009 Elections the following 10 excellent reasons are given why we (those eligible to vote) should vote.
Yes, you. You decide. By voting.
By voting in EP elections, you choose who influences your future and the daily life of close to 500 million fellow Europeans. If you don’t bother, somebody else will - and decide who represents you at the only directly elected Pan-European assembly. Elected MEPs shape the future of Europe for 5 upcoming years. Get the Europe you want! If you don’t vote, don’t complain.
MEPs – Your voice in Europe
Your MEP is your voice in Europe - why would you let it go wasted? Elected every five years, the European Parliament is a major and powerful player in European Union’s decision-making. Its votes shape final EU legislation that influences your everyday life, be it the food on our plates, the cost of your shopping trolley, the quality of the air you breathe, or the safety of your children’s toys.
It’s your right to vote!
As a European citizen, voting in EP elections is your fundamental right and the means to have a say in how the EU works. By voting, you participate in determining who will represent real people like you, your family and friends, your neighbours and workmates in Europe. And as an EU citizen you can vote (or stand for election!) in whatever EU country you live, even if you are not a citizen of that country. And, what’s more, it won’t cost you a penny!
It’s for people and prosperity!
Young or old, student or retired, man or woman, employed or independent, mainstream or alternative, town or countrydweller, Europe concerns all of us, often without us realising! Thanks to Europe, we can easily travel, study and work abroad. The EP works tirelessly for a cleaner environment, safer chemicals, better services and jobs. It is an ardent defender of consumer rights, equal opportunities and human rights both in the EU and abroad.
One poll - 375 million voters
In June 2009, You will have a unique opportunity to go to polls along with 375 million fellow European voters. What for? To elect both the world’s only directly elected transnational and multilingual parliament, and the EU’s only directly elected institution. Elected by the people since 1979, European Parliament represents today almost half a billion citizens.
Heavyweight MEPs
In most cases, MEPs have as much weight as the Member States in EU decision-making. Most laws that concern our daily lives are legislated side by side by MEPs and ministers at EU level. Many, probably most, laws enacted in your country are a transposition of European acts voted by MEPs - your representatives. And it’s not just laws: money for new roads, cleaner beaches, research, education, development aid? MEPs also decide where our EU money goes.
In the pipeline, even weightier MEPs
With the new Lisbon Treaty, once it can be implemented, MEPs’ decision-making powers over EU affairs will once more increase. It will place the Parliament on an equal footing as lawmaker with Member States’ ministers in virtually all areas of EU policy. The Parliament will also elect the President of the European Commission, strengthening its control over the EU executive. Furthermore, you as an EU citizen will have a right to initiate European laws.
Your vote for diversity
Europe elects its new members in June 2009. Coming from 27 countries, these MEPs represent a wide range of national political parties, constituencies and views. In Parliament, most Members then organise themselves in political groups according to their political affinities. So Parliament, like Europe, is about diversity, prizing it and accommodating it - it even speaks 23 languages.
It’s politics! It’s democracy!
Love the EU? Hate it? Want it to turn to the right? Or the left? Is there some issue you care passionately about? Are there changes you want to see? Action that can’t wait? Investments that should be made? Elect MEPs who see it your way and you could make it happen. That’s what democracy is all about. Make the difference.
It’s a small effort for a big outcome
Come on! It’s just a few minutes, maybe you can combine it with a walk in the park or a drink in a cafĂ©. Not much effort to tell Europe what you want. After that it’s easy to follow what your elected members are doing for you - just visit www.europarl.europa.eu
You can choose to vote either here in Spain (if you are on the Padron) or in your country of origin. UK citizens who left the UK less than fifteen years ago can register to vote in the UK. But ACT NOW as time is running out to register.
Information is available HERE . for UK citizens.
Edited 17.04.2009.
Mark Mardell the BBC's Europe editor has posted an article entitled Worth voting for an MEP ? on his Euroblog that is worth reading. With reference to the apparent indifference of the voters to the forthcoming elections he comments "So why the indifference? I suspect that, although a lot of our laws are made at European level (more on this next week), people find it difficult to see how their vote matters."
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