Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Parks and Gardens in the Orihuela Municipality

On the 5th May 2008 Los Verdes de Orihuela launched a campaign to bring to the attention of the Council the poor condition of the parks and gardens within the Orihuela Municipality.

The first stage is that a working group of Loss Verdes members are visiting the parks and gardens in Orihuela town with the purpose of collecting information, and taking photographs, to highlight the deficiencies found in the areas. They will be looking at the safety aspect of using the areas, especially where there is a child play area; the condition of any equipment or services such as seats, child play equipment, fencing, drinking fountains, public toilets if there are any, and similar aspects; the cleanliness of the area and if any litter collection facilities are present.

Once the information is collated a report will be presented, accompanied by photographic evidence, to the Council. Within the dossier will be recommendations as to the improvements considered necessary to bring the locations up to specification to allow the public to enjoy the facilities in safety and comfort.

Because of the size of the Municipality the first stage is concentrated on Orihuela Town, with the second stage being those parks in the Pedanias, with those in Orihuela Costa being the third stage.

So that Los Verdes members on the coast can be ready when asked, Residents of Orihuela Costa will be asked for their help now. Notices will be sent out by email and chat forums to ask them to start looking at the parks and gardens in public areas within Orihuela Costa and make notes about any deficiencies and safety hazards as well as take photographs. Recreation facilities within individual Community’s areas are not to be considered as those areas are not the responsibility of the Council. The Residents are asked to forward the information to the Los Verdes de Orihuela email address.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

El éxito de los Verdes en Norwich en las últimas elecciones municipales inglesas habla de las posibilidades de un buen trabajo. En la Vega Baja lo estaís haciendo muy bien, especialmente en Orihuela. ¡Animo y mucha suerte!