Wednesday, June 11, 2008

LOS VERDES First Surgery in Orihuela Costa is a Success!

Today saw the first LOS VERDES Surgery to be held in Orihuela Costa and all those Residents who had a face to face meeting with Monserrate Guillén, LOS VERDES Councillor for the Coast, commented that they felt their meeting to be most useful. It was said that it is good to be able to speak directly and freely to an elected representative who could act on their behalf to deal with the bureaucracy and indifferent, and in some cases rude, attitude shown to them by the Ayuntamiento. All the Residents will receive an answer to the many points that were discussed.

Monserrate Guillén was kept busy for a full two hours from 10.30 am to 12.30 pm. There were no problems with communications as LOS VERDES members were there to translate.

Future meetings will be held at the Celtic Isle in Playa Flamenca, with dates being announced on the ‘LOS VERDES in Orihuela Costa’ Blog, on the chat forums on and, and hopefully in the local newspapers. The next meeting is provisionally scheduled for either the 25th or 26th June (final date to be confirmed).

In order to try to reduce any waiting time on the day, we would suggest that anyone wishing to have a meeting could contact a member of the LOS VERDES Working Group for Orihuela Costa prior to the meeting, by telephone on 965319660 (English) or 965328190 (Multilingual), email at , or via the personal message facility on the chat forums.

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