The Los Verdes party of Orihuela report that twenty days after the commencement of the new contract for the collection of household rubbish and street cleaning, it can be seen that the new service does not take into account the specific needs in respect of these two services in the municipality
In the Coast it is hard to see what has been done for the street cleaning. The old rubbish bins appear to be abandoned, left in the middle of the streets and we are in a high density tourist area (the photographs shown are in the majority of the Campoamor area). Many of them have not been emptied, are full and smell badly. Where there were four bins there is now only one larger bin but this is not sufficient. The result is that bags of rubbish are scattered in the street and not always collected. In the commercial centres the upturned old bins are mixed with the new ones which are full with rubbish bags crowded around them. In the Agua Marina commercial centre area the old bins remain and it isn't known if these are emptied because they are always overflowing with rubbish.
The collection of green garden rubbish continues as before, with rubbish left in the streets or next to the bins for weeks. The dumped building rubbish from small building or alteration work remains in the streets. Nobody knows where to take it except to leave it in the streets.

The company awarded the contract was perfectly aware when the contract began how many containers were needed. They were also aware that they must remove the old containers, not just put a new one and that's it. Well, no, at this time the new contractor works as the previous ones had done; badly.

Los Verdes regret that regarding the recycling of rubbish nothing has changed, everything is more of the same. The residents will have no choice but to find where each recycling container is, because they are not all together, each is located in a different area. Therefore those residents who want to separate their waste so that it can be recycled will have to be patient and find recycle bins in certain places on the Coast, it may be a long way. It is unfortunate that so far, and after going through many neighbourhoods, we have not seen any new 'Cleaning Points' (recycling bin sites) on the Coast

So it goes. We were led to believe it would all change for the better and that we would get a good value for money service for the taxes we pay.

The question is: What has changed for the better and for whom has it changed for the better?
Edited 20.05.2009
Articles: La Verdad.es & Informacion.es
I live in san jose 2 fase 3 cabo roig, the bins in calle galena are
disgusting, there is building rubbish there which was dumped by the vice president in san jose 2 fase 2, greenery chairs mattresses
what we need are containers like they have in torrevieja similar to skips, that way the streets look much cleaner, once people dump, it just becomes a dumping ground, keep up the good work, p.h. san jose
Hi Elliot,
I assume the contract was awarded to this new Company on the basis of a lower quote. They have achieved this by installing fewer bins,though larger, which allows faster journey time with fewer trucks. Although we assume this will result in lower taxes (some hope!)it is most inconvenient for the residents. Colsur provided a very efficient service and we had no complaints. The bins were emptied every night and were washed out regularly.
Frank Colet Los Angius IV, Cabo Roig
On La Cinuelica R7 corner of Calle Egipcios bins have been removed and NOT replaced. Perhaps other areas too. Hardly an improvement. People are leaving the rubbish on the pavements which is sometimes collected but will attract rats when not.
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