He said that the statements made by Los Verdes were out of “ignorance” of the situation and said they should not report deficiencies only 20 days into the new contract.

He referred to the promised one off 'In-depth Cleaning' exercise (including removal of graffiti, chewing gum and the such like from the streets) stating that it will be starting on the 1st June.
In reply to the statements by Sr. Abadía, as reported in información.es, Los Verdes have to say that ignorance of the situation that is causing the poor performance of the new contract for rubbish collection and street cleaning is on the part of the Councillor.
He does not seem to be aware that the new proposed underground rubbish containers are not functioning yet. He seems to have forgotten that the management of the new contractor stated that the 'In-depth Cleaning' would be carried out from the start of the new contract on the 1st May.
He probably doesn't know that the Mayoress, Sra. Monica Lorente, said at the presentation awarding the new contract that the new equipment “would have the capacity in twenty seconds to clean an entire urbanisation”, a statement more appropriate to a character in a fantasy story than a supposed manager of the Orihuela Municipality.

Sr. Abadía seems to be more the manager of the new contractor, by the defence he makes for such a deficient cleaning service, than a Councillor of Orihuela who should be obtaining and demanding the best service for the rubbish collection and street cleaning for the good of all the citizens.
He chooses to ignore the fact that when the contract started on the 1st May it was 4 months behind schedule and that the company has had plenty of time to become aware of the needs of the Municipality.
He needs to appreciate that the statements and observations made by Los Verdes are as a result of listening to the comments and criticisms made by residents about the new service. Only by making the Councillor and his department aware of the failures in the service will changes and corrections happen.

A additional question that Sr. Abadía should be asking the contractor is when and where will Orihuela Costa be getting the missing new 120 'Recycling Points' in accordance with the terms of the contract like those already installed in Orihuela Town? Is this preferential treatment for Orihuela again?

The ignorance and statements of Sr. Abadía show his abominable management as leader
of the Council Department of infrastructure and again the failure of Mónica Lorente and the Orihuela PP.
Thank you for that.
Sounds like business as usual.
You will never go wrong if you underestimate local politicians.
I appreciate that it a little early to praise or condemn the new refuse service but so far it has been an improvement on Colsur. The two bins are adequate replacement for the old three bins. They are able to take larger objects and thus we do not have boxes and other rubbish left alongide the bins.
The bins are efficiently emptied by a one-man operated vehicle and there is no spillage to clear up each morning.
S Davis
Pueblo Principe
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