At least 70 people attended the meeting regarding the lack of Habitation Certificates organized by Los Verdes de Orihuela (the Green Party) at the Celtic Isle on September 30th 2009. There were affected owners and presidents from more than 20 different Communities, such as “Bosque de las Lomas, Laguna 3, la Ciñuelica, Marco Polo, El Barranco, la Zenia Elite” etc., that represents 3.000 houses in Orihueal Costa.
We apologize for the problems organising the event but we did not expect so many people to attend.
The meeting was to inform everybody about the proceedings being followed by the P.P. Building Councillor, Mr. Barberá.
The Green Party’s Councillor Monserrate Guillén commented : “I am working together with the technicians to be able to offer a solution for each case. It will be absolutely impossible to find one solution for all. We have agreed a meeting with Mr. Barberá in the Town Hall of Orihuela Costa, at the end of October or beginning of November, to find some possible solutions. This meeting will only be with the presidents or representatives of each of the affected communities. In principle, we expect an initial satisfactory solution for the end of the year. In any case, like until now, you will be informed by the press or by e-mail”.
On Tuesday October 6th, the Ombudsman’s office (Síndico de Agravios de la Comunidad Valenciana) moves to Orihuela to take care of the citizens who wish to formulate and present any complaints. Representatives of Los Verdes seized the opportunity and have an appointment on this day at 11 am with a team of legal advisers, together with persons affected by the lack of Habitation Certificate in Orihuela Costa.
The benefit of a legal and suitable house to live in, in agreement with the rules established by the Spanish Constitution, is a fundamental right of all the citizens.
Likewise the house has to be passed as fit to live in; this is explained in The Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union : “Art. 7. Respect for private and family life”.
Los Verdes de Orihuela (the Green Party) ask the Town Hall of Orihuela via its representatives to respect the law and find a solution for all those affected. If they do not, our next step will be a citizen petition to the Committee for Petitions of the European Parliament in Brussels.
Gérard Perret & Ulla-Britt Perret Lundberg
Los Verdes Working Group in Orihuela Costa
phone : 686 717273 Orihuela Costa, October 4th 2009.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Monday, September 14, 2009
Press Release
Los Verdes (the Green Party) in Orihuela Costa wishes to invite you to a meeting with Los Verdes´s Councillor for Orihuela Costa, Monserrate Guillén Saéz,
on WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 30th from 10 am to 12 pm
at the RESTAURANT CELTIC ISLE (next to Saturday market)
This meeting will be a good opportunity to gather people who have property without a habitation certificate, and to share our concerns with the Councillor.
Los Verdes (the Green Party) started the Campaign in July and there are already 2.500 houses in our database and some of these houseowners have asked for a habitation certificate 5 years ago without any response from the Town hall.
As we have already stated in our press release published in July in the English newspapers, we think there are at least 10.000 houses without habitation certificate in Orihuela Costa.
Los Verdes (the Green Party) has already started negotiations with ruling PP´s Councillor for Building, Mr. Rodríguez Barberá, who is said to be committed to find a solution depending on each case. This compromise is not signed, which means that the ruling PP can change the agreement at any time. For the moment we have no other option than trusting them.
We hope you will be attending.
Best regards
Gérard Perret
Ulla-Britt Perret Lundberg
Los Verdes Working Group in Orihuela Costa
phone : 686 717273
P.S. We suggest you to come with your Community President.
Los Verdes (the Green Party) in Orihuela Costa wishes to invite you to a meeting with Los Verdes´s Councillor for Orihuela Costa, Monserrate Guillén Saéz,
on WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 30th from 10 am to 12 pm
at the RESTAURANT CELTIC ISLE (next to Saturday market)
This meeting will be a good opportunity to gather people who have property without a habitation certificate, and to share our concerns with the Councillor.
Los Verdes (the Green Party) started the Campaign in July and there are already 2.500 houses in our database and some of these houseowners have asked for a habitation certificate 5 years ago without any response from the Town hall.
As we have already stated in our press release published in July in the English newspapers, we think there are at least 10.000 houses without habitation certificate in Orihuela Costa.
Los Verdes (the Green Party) has already started negotiations with ruling PP´s Councillor for Building, Mr. Rodríguez Barberá, who is said to be committed to find a solution depending on each case. This compromise is not signed, which means that the ruling PP can change the agreement at any time. For the moment we have no other option than trusting them.
We hope you will be attending.
Best regards
Gérard Perret
Ulla-Britt Perret Lundberg
Los Verdes Working Group in Orihuela Costa
phone : 686 717273
P.S. We suggest you to come with your Community President.
Friday, July 17, 2009
Los Verdes (the Green Party) have already indicated that the lack of a Habitation Certificate (Cedula) is a recurring problem in the Orihuela Municipality.
So far we have already received information showing that about 1.500 houses are affected. In addition, Presidents of Urbanisations have also contacted us.
We post some of the most representative replies:
My name is xxx and I am the President of xxx.
I have just read the information you have placed in the local newspaper and I speak on behalf of our whole community.
Last year other urbanisations received their habitation certificates and their properties were released after our urbanisation, when I challenged this with San Antonio in Villamartin, being the builder of our urbanisation, I was told that the information was given to the Town Hall in Playa Flamenca and that they had made the mistake of issuing other releases before ours, our community has an escritura, but not actual certificates for individual properties.
There are 170 properties on xxx and I believe only one has their certificate simply because he paid ?? Euros to have it fast tracked through the system.
I am also a co-ordinator for xxx with Vecinos Colaborando and took the opportunity of asking Stefan Pokroppa at the Town Hall to look into why our certificates were taking so long to be ready, but had no reply from him on this subject.
What I would now like to know is what happens from here? plus what information do you require from me as a president and property owner on xxx.
I await your reply.
Kind Regards
Further to your article in the Coastrider Edition 283, I would like to provide you details of our Urbanisation as follows:
The urbanisation consists of 9no. properties which were all sold prior to April 2004.
We have all been on our own Electric Supply since August 2004, but we are still on Builders Water supply and we do not have Habitation Certificates.
Have read the article in todays Coastrider regarding the above with great interest.
I am from Bosque de Las Lomas III at El Galan, Orihuela Costa.
The urbanisation is a Tecnologia built community and of course they have abandoned us leaving unfinished properties, large debts, and still on builders electric and water that we are now having to pay for.
We do not have a habitation certificate and the Town Hall is unco-operative and totally unsympathetic to our situation. They refuse to put in writing what we need to do to bring the urbanisation up to a minimum standard to gain the certificate.
The urbanisation consists of 137 dwellings of which only 70 have been sold. Neither the urbanisation nor individual houses have habitation certificates. Because of this we are also unable to get insurance for the community as we have been informed by the largest Insurance Company in Spain that they would not meet any claim because of the lack of this certificate.
Any help or advise you may be able to offer would be appreciated.
Dear Sir or madam
I am replying to you having read a recent article from you regarding communities without habitation certificates.
My name is Mr XXX and have a property at Bosque De Las Lomas III, El Galan. I purchased the property 5 years ago, we on our urbanistion have been (as have many more in Spain) let down by the builder having disappeared without completion of the urbanisation. Thus we are having great problems gaining habitation certificate for the urbanisation. We have formed a committee and are trying to complete work we have been told is required then we can get the certificate - unfortunately the list of work changes every time we go back to them.
My personal concerns is although I have my deeds (many on the urbanisation have not) your article states that we need both certificate and deeds if we want to sell at some stage.
It is fairly clear that the builder (Technologia) will not be returning.
Is there anything I and our fellow owners on the urbanisation can do in order to obtain habitation and therefore give us peace of mind and feel as we belong
Further to your editorial in the Coastrider our property does not have a Habitation Certificate.
We completed the purchase in February 2001 (new build) through Playas de Orihuela and eventually received our escitura in 2007.
We have had electricity and water contracts since completion of purchase and have obtained NIE, SIP cards, Residency certificates and Spanish driving licence.
However, we have never paid Town Hall rates and understand that some 50 properties on our urbanisation of 157 are in the same position.
Although we have the deeds we know that selling in the future could be a problem without the Habitation Certificate and are anxious to get this resolved.
Urbanizacion La Florida
03189 Orihuela Costa
Reference the article in Coastrider 7th July 2009 re the above subject.
I wish to advise you that Costa Dorada III Fase I (total of 49 Townhouses) do NOT have their Cedual de Habitabilidad.
We have water and electricy contracts and have paid SUMA since 2006, plus having to pay in retrospect for 2003, 2004, 2005.
(I also believe that Costa Dorada I (seven houses) and Costa Dorada II (19 houses) do not have theirs either. You may hear from them but the President of Costa Dorada II is not a resident)
May I congratulate Los Verdes on taking the initiative in campaigning for these certificates.
I do get upset to read of the infighting between the political parties. Obviously each party have what they consider their priorities. In an ideal world all the residents of Orihuela Costa would like to see Sports Centres, more green areas etc.
Personnally I consider the priorities to campaign for these certificates (even if the criteria has to be changed). It is important that everyone should water and electricity and not held to ransom by the utility companies. This should be a right irrespective of whether or not the urbanisations are finished or not.
The next priority is to clean up the whole of the Costa, by demolishing unfinished buildings and removing the unslightly 'skeletons' of buildings. This would immediately enhance the area, and hopefully encourage all the people who litter the area dispose of their rubbish in the proper containers.'
Once this has happened then request the luxuries of leisure centres etc.
Hola My name is Mr XXX my mobile phone number is xxx, I bought a property from Tecnologia Urbanistica in 2005 on Bosque de las Lomas, bloque 2 number x calle azores Las filipinas oeste orihuela costa we are still waiting for our habitation certiticate as is the rest of the urbination consisting of over 100 properties.We do have a comittee and president and i think the president has been or will be in touch with you soon as we all wish for our properties to be legal.
Best Regards
Dear Sir
I am one of the unfortunate owners who cannot obtain a habitation certificate in the Orihuela Costa area, due to our builder (Technologia) not completing our urbanisation, and leaving the area unfinished.
My name is XXX, and address is, Bosque de las Lomas 3, El Galan.
I fully support your campaign to urge the government to force these criminal builders to live up to their responsibilities, and complete their building projects, or at least use the deposits that they are supposed to leave with the local authorities, which are there to cater for just this kind of situation.
Please contact me by email should you require any further information from me regarding this matter.
Yours truly,
Dear Sir/Madam
We are replying to your recent article regarding communities without Habitation Certificates and properties still without Title Deeds.
We purchased our property at No x Bosque de las Lomas III, El Galan, 5 years ago through Atlas and we are still without our Title Deeds and our urbanisation still does not have the Habitation Certificate.
Our solicitors do not seem to be making any progress with obtaining our Deeds and our committee on the urbanisation are doing everything possible to complete the necessary work (at more expense to house owners) to get the Habitation Certificate but without much success.
We understand that we are in a similar situation to many others and any assistance that you can give would be very much appreciated.
In response to your article in Coast Rider, we are among the many with no habitation certificates.
We fought for four years fpr our title deeds, only recieving them after paying more than three thousand euros for builders interest on their mortgage they had secured on our property after we had paid for it. ( We did not have a Spanish mortgage)
Our property is at Bosque De Las Lomas 2.
Builders are Technologia.
I live in Bosque de Las Lomas 1 in Orihuela Costa and we have been promised out HC's by the town hall for over a year. We have completed all the work left by the builder but the town hall consistently 'move the goalposts' by demanding that we do more and more before out certificates will be approved. We believe that the certs are at the town hall although they say that they are waiting for the builder. The latest is that they want us to renew all the broken pavements surrounding the urb., which were already broken when they were originally laid by the builder.
xxx Calle Cabo Verde
Bosque de Las Lomas 1
Orihuela Costa
manolita Anton x
San Bartolome 03314
Thanks for your promp reply, we agree to your terms and conditions
we do not have a president as we are a private house
The Builder has built in 3 different areas in the village, 20 houses and approx 70 apartments the blocks of apartments have presidents (who I dont know) I do know that the last block to be built are having problems with a swimming pool and also deeds/certificates it is hard to say how many as some are permanant and others are holiday homes, I do know they are on builders electric and have been for 2 years and the builder takes 60 euros per flat per month some pay some dont !!!
We are unable to get a phone number or addres for the builder as he does not want to be found (he is still selling) I will ask about and try to find out and also try to get info about deeds/certificates of others
One again thanks
Kind regards
Good afternoon.
I telephoned you this afternoon about habitation certificates. I am the president of the community Numancia Playa Flamencia, we have 40 houses, some of us have lived here between 10 ans 8 years, and we can not get our certificates, we do have water and eletric connected for about 6 years. The builder was a company called Travensa s.a
I look forward to hearing from you. YOURS xxx
Dear Sir or madam,
I am replying to you having read a recent article from you regarding communities without habitation certificates.
My name is Mr xxx and have a property at no. xx Bosque De Las Lomas III, El Galan. I purchased the property 5 years ago, we on our urbanistion have been (as have many more in Spain) let down by the builder having disappeared without completion of the urbanisation. Thus we are having great problems gaining habitation certificate for the urbanisation. We have formed a committee and are trying to complete work we have been told is required in order to obtain the certificate - unfortunately the list of work changes every time we go back to them.
My personal concerns is although I have my deeds (many on the urbanisation have not) your article states that we need both certificate and deeds if we want to sell at some stage.
It is fairly clear that the builder (Technologia) will not be returning.
Due to changing circumstances we are very keen to sell our property and are prevented from doing so in the absence of the habitation certificate. We would be much obliged if you could help us.
Kind Regards
I spoke to you today regarding the Battle for Habitation Certificates. I am president of Teruel Numancia, Calle Niagara xx, Playa Flamenca. There are 166 properties on our urbanisation all without habitation certificates.
Please add us to your list of properties awaiting this certifiacate.
Kind regards
My address is Calle Cabo Verde xx, Bosque de Las Lomas 1, Orihuela Costa, 03189. Phone Number xxx. The vice president is XXX who lives at Calle Azores x, Bosque de Las Lomas 1 (postal address) and his phone number is xxx and the number of houses affected is 176.
List of works preventing Bosque de las Lomas 1 from obtaining their Habitation Certificates.
The defect list comprised in the main: -
1 Damaged and uneven paving slabs throughout the
Urbanization footpaths needing repair / replacement. (Outside the Gated Areas)
2 Damaged kerb stones need replacing. (Outside the gated areas)
3 Unsatisfactory making good of excavations in public roads
need repairing.
4 Incomplete tarmacking of lay by on Calle Venezuela needs
5 High level surface water drainage outlets need extending to
low level.
6 Concrete ramps installed by us need removing or the
footpaths lowering.
7 Any damaged meter cupboard doors need replacing.
8 Copies of all pool licenses need to be submitted.
Kind regards,
So far we have already received information showing that about 1.500 houses are affected. In addition, Presidents of Urbanisations have also contacted us.
We post some of the most representative replies:
My name is xxx and I am the President of xxx.
I have just read the information you have placed in the local newspaper and I speak on behalf of our whole community.
Last year other urbanisations received their habitation certificates and their properties were released after our urbanisation, when I challenged this with San Antonio in Villamartin, being the builder of our urbanisation, I was told that the information was given to the Town Hall in Playa Flamenca and that they had made the mistake of issuing other releases before ours, our community has an escritura, but not actual certificates for individual properties.
There are 170 properties on xxx and I believe only one has their certificate simply because he paid ?? Euros to have it fast tracked through the system.
I am also a co-ordinator for xxx with Vecinos Colaborando and took the opportunity of asking Stefan Pokroppa at the Town Hall to look into why our certificates were taking so long to be ready, but had no reply from him on this subject.
What I would now like to know is what happens from here? plus what information do you require from me as a president and property owner on xxx.
I await your reply.
Kind Regards
Further to your article in the Coastrider Edition 283, I would like to provide you details of our Urbanisation as follows:
The urbanisation consists of 9no. properties which were all sold prior to April 2004.
We have all been on our own Electric Supply since August 2004, but we are still on Builders Water supply and we do not have Habitation Certificates.
Have read the article in todays Coastrider regarding the above with great interest.
I am from Bosque de Las Lomas III at El Galan, Orihuela Costa.
The urbanisation is a Tecnologia built community and of course they have abandoned us leaving unfinished properties, large debts, and still on builders electric and water that we are now having to pay for.
We do not have a habitation certificate and the Town Hall is unco-operative and totally unsympathetic to our situation. They refuse to put in writing what we need to do to bring the urbanisation up to a minimum standard to gain the certificate.
The urbanisation consists of 137 dwellings of which only 70 have been sold. Neither the urbanisation nor individual houses have habitation certificates. Because of this we are also unable to get insurance for the community as we have been informed by the largest Insurance Company in Spain that they would not meet any claim because of the lack of this certificate.
Any help or advise you may be able to offer would be appreciated.
Dear Sir or madam
I am replying to you having read a recent article from you regarding communities without habitation certificates.
My name is Mr XXX and have a property at Bosque De Las Lomas III, El Galan. I purchased the property 5 years ago, we on our urbanistion have been (as have many more in Spain) let down by the builder having disappeared without completion of the urbanisation. Thus we are having great problems gaining habitation certificate for the urbanisation. We have formed a committee and are trying to complete work we have been told is required then we can get the certificate - unfortunately the list of work changes every time we go back to them.
My personal concerns is although I have my deeds (many on the urbanisation have not) your article states that we need both certificate and deeds if we want to sell at some stage.
It is fairly clear that the builder (Technologia) will not be returning.
Is there anything I and our fellow owners on the urbanisation can do in order to obtain habitation and therefore give us peace of mind and feel as we belong
Further to your editorial in the Coastrider our property does not have a Habitation Certificate.
We completed the purchase in February 2001 (new build) through Playas de Orihuela and eventually received our escitura in 2007.
We have had electricity and water contracts since completion of purchase and have obtained NIE, SIP cards, Residency certificates and Spanish driving licence.
However, we have never paid Town Hall rates and understand that some 50 properties on our urbanisation of 157 are in the same position.
Although we have the deeds we know that selling in the future could be a problem without the Habitation Certificate and are anxious to get this resolved.
Urbanizacion La Florida
03189 Orihuela Costa
Reference the article in Coastrider 7th July 2009 re the above subject.
I wish to advise you that Costa Dorada III Fase I (total of 49 Townhouses) do NOT have their Cedual de Habitabilidad.
We have water and electricy contracts and have paid SUMA since 2006, plus having to pay in retrospect for 2003, 2004, 2005.
(I also believe that Costa Dorada I (seven houses) and Costa Dorada II (19 houses) do not have theirs either. You may hear from them but the President of Costa Dorada II is not a resident)
May I congratulate Los Verdes on taking the initiative in campaigning for these certificates.
I do get upset to read of the infighting between the political parties. Obviously each party have what they consider their priorities. In an ideal world all the residents of Orihuela Costa would like to see Sports Centres, more green areas etc.
Personnally I consider the priorities to campaign for these certificates (even if the criteria has to be changed). It is important that everyone should water and electricity and not held to ransom by the utility companies. This should be a right irrespective of whether or not the urbanisations are finished or not.
The next priority is to clean up the whole of the Costa, by demolishing unfinished buildings and removing the unslightly 'skeletons' of buildings. This would immediately enhance the area, and hopefully encourage all the people who litter the area dispose of their rubbish in the proper containers.'
Once this has happened then request the luxuries of leisure centres etc.
Hola My name is Mr XXX my mobile phone number is xxx, I bought a property from Tecnologia Urbanistica in 2005 on Bosque de las Lomas, bloque 2 number x calle azores Las filipinas oeste orihuela costa we are still waiting for our habitation certiticate as is the rest of the urbination consisting of over 100 properties.We do have a comittee and president and i think the president has been or will be in touch with you soon as we all wish for our properties to be legal.
Best Regards
Dear Sir
I am one of the unfortunate owners who cannot obtain a habitation certificate in the Orihuela Costa area, due to our builder (Technologia) not completing our urbanisation, and leaving the area unfinished.
My name is XXX, and address is, Bosque de las Lomas 3, El Galan.
I fully support your campaign to urge the government to force these criminal builders to live up to their responsibilities, and complete their building projects, or at least use the deposits that they are supposed to leave with the local authorities, which are there to cater for just this kind of situation.
Please contact me by email should you require any further information from me regarding this matter.
Yours truly,
Dear Sir/Madam
We are replying to your recent article regarding communities without Habitation Certificates and properties still without Title Deeds.
We purchased our property at No x Bosque de las Lomas III, El Galan, 5 years ago through Atlas and we are still without our Title Deeds and our urbanisation still does not have the Habitation Certificate.
Our solicitors do not seem to be making any progress with obtaining our Deeds and our committee on the urbanisation are doing everything possible to complete the necessary work (at more expense to house owners) to get the Habitation Certificate but without much success.
We understand that we are in a similar situation to many others and any assistance that you can give would be very much appreciated.
In response to your article in Coast Rider, we are among the many with no habitation certificates.
We fought for four years fpr our title deeds, only recieving them after paying more than three thousand euros for builders interest on their mortgage they had secured on our property after we had paid for it. ( We did not have a Spanish mortgage)
Our property is at Bosque De Las Lomas 2.
Builders are Technologia.
I live in Bosque de Las Lomas 1 in Orihuela Costa and we have been promised out HC's by the town hall for over a year. We have completed all the work left by the builder but the town hall consistently 'move the goalposts' by demanding that we do more and more before out certificates will be approved. We believe that the certs are at the town hall although they say that they are waiting for the builder. The latest is that they want us to renew all the broken pavements surrounding the urb., which were already broken when they were originally laid by the builder.
xxx Calle Cabo Verde
Bosque de Las Lomas 1
Orihuela Costa
manolita Anton x
San Bartolome 03314
Thanks for your promp reply, we agree to your terms and conditions
we do not have a president as we are a private house
The Builder has built in 3 different areas in the village, 20 houses and approx 70 apartments the blocks of apartments have presidents (who I dont know) I do know that the last block to be built are having problems with a swimming pool and also deeds/certificates it is hard to say how many as some are permanant and others are holiday homes, I do know they are on builders electric and have been for 2 years and the builder takes 60 euros per flat per month some pay some dont !!!
We are unable to get a phone number or addres for the builder as he does not want to be found (he is still selling) I will ask about and try to find out and also try to get info about deeds/certificates of others
One again thanks
Kind regards
Good afternoon.
I telephoned you this afternoon about habitation certificates. I am the president of the community Numancia Playa Flamencia, we have 40 houses, some of us have lived here between 10 ans 8 years, and we can not get our certificates, we do have water and eletric connected for about 6 years. The builder was a company called Travensa s.a
I look forward to hearing from you. YOURS xxx
Dear Sir or madam,
I am replying to you having read a recent article from you regarding communities without habitation certificates.
My name is Mr xxx and have a property at no. xx Bosque De Las Lomas III, El Galan. I purchased the property 5 years ago, we on our urbanistion have been (as have many more in Spain) let down by the builder having disappeared without completion of the urbanisation. Thus we are having great problems gaining habitation certificate for the urbanisation. We have formed a committee and are trying to complete work we have been told is required in order to obtain the certificate - unfortunately the list of work changes every time we go back to them.
My personal concerns is although I have my deeds (many on the urbanisation have not) your article states that we need both certificate and deeds if we want to sell at some stage.
It is fairly clear that the builder (Technologia) will not be returning.
Due to changing circumstances we are very keen to sell our property and are prevented from doing so in the absence of the habitation certificate. We would be much obliged if you could help us.
Kind Regards
I spoke to you today regarding the Battle for Habitation Certificates. I am president of Teruel Numancia, Calle Niagara xx, Playa Flamenca. There are 166 properties on our urbanisation all without habitation certificates.
Please add us to your list of properties awaiting this certifiacate.
Kind regards
My address is Calle Cabo Verde xx, Bosque de Las Lomas 1, Orihuela Costa, 03189. Phone Number xxx. The vice president is XXX who lives at Calle Azores x, Bosque de Las Lomas 1 (postal address) and his phone number is xxx and the number of houses affected is 176.
List of works preventing Bosque de las Lomas 1 from obtaining their Habitation Certificates.
The defect list comprised in the main: -
1 Damaged and uneven paving slabs throughout the
Urbanization footpaths needing repair / replacement. (Outside the Gated Areas)
2 Damaged kerb stones need replacing. (Outside the gated areas)
3 Unsatisfactory making good of excavations in public roads
need repairing.
4 Incomplete tarmacking of lay by on Calle Venezuela needs
5 High level surface water drainage outlets need extending to
low level.
6 Concrete ramps installed by us need removing or the
footpaths lowering.
7 Any damaged meter cupboard doors need replacing.
8 Copies of all pool licenses need to be submitted.
Kind regards,
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Habitation Certificate
Los Verdes in Orihuela are initiating a campaign to help those people who live in houses without a HABITATION CERTIFICATE (Certificate of Habitation – Cedula). These are cases where certificates have not been granted because of the developer’s negligence or the incompetence of the ruling party, the PP. It is an action that will continue the work that the Municipal Group Los Verdes commenced in 2003 and has been backed up by questions and interventions in the Council Plenary meeting and public denunciations about this situation throughout the last legislature.
The number of owners affected is numerous, as many in the Orihuela Costa areas as in the rest of the Municipality. All of these persons are very concerned about their properties and are frustrated because they cannot regularize the situation.
- People affected who have been living in this Municipality for many years and who continue receiving Builder’s water and electricity supply with the constant risk of cut-off.
- Families with children who need education at school and resort to using fake addresses to ensure that their child receives a placement.
- People who cannot vote, cannot exercise their fundamental rights, because without HABITATION CERTIFICATE they cannot be registered (Padrón).
Despite all of these problems, those affected are (of course) expected to pay their taxes religiously and without question.
In the final analysis, this deplorable situation indicates once again the incompetence of the ruling party, the PP, that has allowed and continues to allow the developers (“its friends”) to ride roughshod over the rights of the people. This Town Hall has not only ignored what has been happening, it has actually encouraged the developers to continue to get away with not fulfilling their contracts. Not only that, it has allowed the guaranteed funds to “disappear” in some cases, and none of the money has ever been used to ensure that the house owner continues to receive water and electricity or anything else for that matter. For this reason alone, those affected feel completely let down by a Town Hall that continues to ignore their legitimate rights in this matter.
Los Verdes in Orihuela are committed to help solve this problem once and for all. We aim to pressurize the Town Hall to ensure the legality of properties affected in this way. We want to ensure that as many certificates will be issued and as quickly as possible. We ask that those owners without Certificates of Habitation contact us, in their language, using the following email and phone number (it will help us if you will supply the name/number of your residence the address and the number of houses (in the case of urbanisations) that you think are affected ) :
Mobil phone : 686 717273
Working Group of Los Verdes in Orihuela Costa Orihuela, 3rd of July 2009.
The number of owners affected is numerous, as many in the Orihuela Costa areas as in the rest of the Municipality. All of these persons are very concerned about their properties and are frustrated because they cannot regularize the situation.
- People affected who have been living in this Municipality for many years and who continue receiving Builder’s water and electricity supply with the constant risk of cut-off.
- Families with children who need education at school and resort to using fake addresses to ensure that their child receives a placement.
- People who cannot vote, cannot exercise their fundamental rights, because without HABITATION CERTIFICATE they cannot be registered (Padrón).
Despite all of these problems, those affected are (of course) expected to pay their taxes religiously and without question.
In the final analysis, this deplorable situation indicates once again the incompetence of the ruling party, the PP, that has allowed and continues to allow the developers (“its friends”) to ride roughshod over the rights of the people. This Town Hall has not only ignored what has been happening, it has actually encouraged the developers to continue to get away with not fulfilling their contracts. Not only that, it has allowed the guaranteed funds to “disappear” in some cases, and none of the money has ever been used to ensure that the house owner continues to receive water and electricity or anything else for that matter. For this reason alone, those affected feel completely let down by a Town Hall that continues to ignore their legitimate rights in this matter.
Los Verdes in Orihuela are committed to help solve this problem once and for all. We aim to pressurize the Town Hall to ensure the legality of properties affected in this way. We want to ensure that as many certificates will be issued and as quickly as possible. We ask that those owners without Certificates of Habitation contact us, in their language, using the following email and phone number (it will help us if you will supply the name/number of your residence the address and the number of houses (in the case of urbanisations) that you think are affected ) :
Mobil phone : 686 717273
Working Group of Los Verdes in Orihuela Costa Orihuela, 3rd of July 2009.
Monday, July 6, 2009
On the 30th of June, in the Council Plenary meeting, Los Verdes denounced the continuous problems that the residents of Orihuela Costa continue to suffer because of the illegal and questionable conduct of the ruling party, the PP.
In the “question-and-answer” session of the Council Plenary meeting, Los Verdes Councillors deplored the unbearable situation the inhabitants of the following Residencies suffer:
- Entre Golf (Pau 26),
- Dream Hills 2,
- Las Palmeras,
- México,
- Urbanización Los Almendros,
This is regarding the running of an ILLEGAL TRANSFER PLANT OF RUBBISH (PLANTA DE TRANSFERENCIA ILEGAL DE BASURAS) and the consequent transit of garbage trucks of the new company responsible for rubbish collection (UTE SUFI-LIASUR-GOBANCAST).
On the 27th of May, the responsible Councillor, Mr. Abadía, undertook to hold an informative meeting regarding the illegal transfer plant of rubbish and the Eco-park, with those affected residents, allowing a period of fifteen days to elaborate on the project that will be presented to those affected. The deadline has passed without any response.
Los Verdes enquired once again about the situation in the “question-and-answer” session in the Council Plenary meeting, receiving the following answer from Mr. Abadía...
“THEY (the new company responsible for rubbish collection) ARE STILL ELABORATING THE PROJECT!”
Los Verdes denounced the incompetence of the ruling party, the PP, to enforce the laws by its collusion with the company awarded the rubbish contract, causing incessant and unnecessary problems for the residents. Los Verdes will continue fighting in defence of the citizens’ interests in this area.
Mobil telephone: 686 71 72 73.
Working Group of Los Verdes in Orihuela Costa
Orihuela, 3rd of July 2009.
On the 30th of June, in the Council Plenary meeting, Los Verdes denounced the continuous problems that the residents of Orihuela Costa continue to suffer because of the illegal and questionable conduct of the ruling party, the PP.
In the “question-and-answer” session of the Council Plenary meeting, Los Verdes Councillors deplored the unbearable situation the inhabitants of the following Residencies suffer:
- Entre Golf (Pau 26),
- Dream Hills 2,
- Las Palmeras,
- México,
- Urbanización Los Almendros,
This is regarding the running of an ILLEGAL TRANSFER PLANT OF RUBBISH (PLANTA DE TRANSFERENCIA ILEGAL DE BASURAS) and the consequent transit of garbage trucks of the new company responsible for rubbish collection (UTE SUFI-LIASUR-GOBANCAST).
On the 27th of May, the responsible Councillor, Mr. Abadía, undertook to hold an informative meeting regarding the illegal transfer plant of rubbish and the Eco-park, with those affected residents, allowing a period of fifteen days to elaborate on the project that will be presented to those affected. The deadline has passed without any response.
Los Verdes enquired once again about the situation in the “question-and-answer” session in the Council Plenary meeting, receiving the following answer from Mr. Abadía...
“THEY (the new company responsible for rubbish collection) ARE STILL ELABORATING THE PROJECT!”
Los Verdes denounced the incompetence of the ruling party, the PP, to enforce the laws by its collusion with the company awarded the rubbish contract, causing incessant and unnecessary problems for the residents. Los Verdes will continue fighting in defence of the citizens’ interests in this area.
Mobil telephone: 686 71 72 73.
Working Group of Los Verdes in Orihuela Costa
Orihuela, 3rd of July 2009.
Friday, July 3, 2009
The Los Verdes (The Green Party) of Orihuela and Orihuela Costa are very surprised by the recent resignation of Elliot Sampford as English spokesperson of Los Verdes and as a member of the Los Verdes of Orihuela Costa. We regret his decision but we respect it as a democratic decision freely taken on his behalf. We are very grateful for the time he dedicated to the Party.
As most people living in Orihuela Costa realise, there are many issues and problems that require solutions. Most, if not all, of these will not be solved overnight and Los Verdes will continue to press both the ruling party and other interested organisations to ensure a satisfactory outcome.
Los Verdes will continue fighting and proposing those improvements that the citizens transmit to us, in order that Orihuela Costa gets the services and quality of life that it, and they, deserve. In this sense, one of our present concerns is the negotiations taking place regarding the proposed recycling depot adjacent to the Entre Golf urbanization, since no decision has been taken by the Ayuntamiento until now. We are involved in an ongoing discussion process with the neighbours/owners and the authorities about this issue, in order to advance and emphasize the Los Verdes environmental principles.
In addition, we would like to highlight that at the European Parliament, the Group European Greens advanced from 43 MEPs in 2004 to 47 MEPs in 2009; this is also as a direct result of our commitment at local level according to our policy " think globally, act locally ". We commit to monitor the work at the European level of our Spanish (based in Valencia) MEP Pura Peris during the legislative period 2009 - 2014.
Los Verdes are presently the third political force in the Ayuntamiento of Orihuela, and we will continue to serve those who live in the district; this is our main goal. Our 3 Councillors and the Orihuela Costa Working Group are at your disposal for any requirement.
For further information please contact:
Phone : 686 71 72 73
Your Councillors : Monserrate Guillén, Manuel Gallud, Manuel Culiáñez
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Sr. Sampford:
Cuando se hace pública una aclaración, como hace usted en su blog personal, sobre la posible instalación de un eco-parque cerca del Residencial Entre Golf, en el PAU-26, y sobre la política y las actuaciones de Los Verdes de Orihuela al respecto, hay que hacerlo de manera completa, sin faltar a la verdad y sin tratar de confundir a nadie.
Desde que la mercantil COLSUR comenzó a utilizar una parcela de zona verde en el PAU-26 para depósito de restos de podas y algas, el Grupo Municipal de Los Verdes denunció el hecho a instancias del Grupo de Los Verdes en la Costa del que usted formaba parte; es más, fue el Sr. Pret (miembro de la Ejecutiva de Los Verdes), personalmente, quien denunció al SEPRONA la ocupación ilegal. Desde Los Verdes de Orihuela hemos intentado, sin éxito por la actitud del P.P., que se devolviera la zona verde a su anterior estado, y usted lo conoce perfectamente.
En el momento que conocemos que se quiere destruir otra parcela contigua a la zona verde, que es dotacional, que cede el Ayuntamiento a la nueva concesionaria de la recogida de Residuos Sólidos Urbanos y Limpieza Viaria, y que legalmente pueden utilizar para instalar un eco-parque y un almacén, tal y como está previsto en el Pliego de Condiciones de la contrata, es cuando este Grupo Municipal hace la propuesta que tanto le ha molestado. El cambio de parcela evita radicalmente que se desbroce la más cercana a los vecinos, que actúa de pantalla natural, y que nos llevaría a que no se destruyera la pinada que allí existe.
Esa es la intención de Los Verdes y no otra, y usted lo sabe muy bien. Ahora bien, lo que se propone desde Los Verdes es el cambio de una parcela por otra para la instalación de un eco-parque y un almacén. Nunca, jamás, este Grupo Municipal ha contemplado la posibilidad de que se instale allí una Planta de Transferencia, ni que se consienta que allí entren camiones con residuos, ni lo va a consentir; y usted lo sabe, porque así se lo hicimos saber en nuestra última reunión.
Sin embargo, los comentarios que vierte en su blog no se corresponden con lo que usted conoce sobre el tema. Las pretensiones del Gobierno Municipal del Partido Popular no son las de Los Verdes y usted lo sabe. Le aseguro que este Grupo Municipal de Los Verdes luchará con las armas de que dispone para que no se utilice una zona verde como Planta de Transferencia, y luchará igualmente para que no se moleste a los vecinos, tal y como ha hecho en el último Pleno y en otros anteriores.
Usted conoce perfectamente nuestro posicionamiento en este caso porque le dijimos, en nuestra última reunión, que serían los vecinos afectados quienes conocerían las intenciones del Concejal Abadía, que posibilitaríamos una reunión (que todavía no se ha tenido por cuestiones ajenas a Los Verdes) con él y que Los Verdes defenderían la opinión y la opción que tomaran los vecinos afectados. ¿Por qué dice ahora otra cosa?
Cuando el Sr. Perret comunica a los vecinos que es posible el cambio de parcela es porque así se lo dije personalmente y porque así me lo hicieron saber desde la Concejalía de Urbanismo y desde la de Infraestructuras; el Sr. Perret no se inventó nada. Otra cosa muy distinta es que quienes gobiernan este Ayuntamiento cambien de opinión de un día para otro; esa fue la primera intención y así lo hizo saber el Sr. Perret a los vecinos afectados.
No es verdad lo que usted da a entender y se lo repito cuantas veces sean necesarias: Los verdes no consentirán la instalación de una Planta de Transferencia en la zona verde del PAU-26; otra cuestión muy distinta es la instalación de un eco-parque. Si usted conoce lo que es un eco-parque, este funciona en horario diurno de trabajo y son los propios vecinos los que, en sus vehículos, depositan todo aquello que no se recoge habitualmente. Esto no molesta a nadie, se encuentra en el centro de cualquier ciudad y no supone molestia alguna. Este es el cambio que, con muy buen criterio, propuso a la Ejecutiva el Sr. Perret y que este Grupo Municipal de Los Verdes presentó al Ayuntamiento.
Sr. Sampford, hemos trabajado muy bien con usted en Los Verdes de la Costa y se había ganado usted nuestra mayor consideración y aprecio. Por eso, al margen de cuestiones electoralistas, no entendemos su actitud hacia nosotros. Sepa usted que por encima de cualquier consideración de partido, Los Verdes de Orihuela llevamos desde 2003 intentando dar soluciones a los problemas de nuestros vecinos, atendiendo sus solicitudes y sus quejas, ayudando en lo posible a quien lo ha necesitado, proponiendo ideas y actuaciones, e intentando parar los abusos de quienes nos gobiernan. Ese ha sido nuestro trabajo y seguirá siendo nuestro objetivo, con usted y sin usted.
Cuando se hace pública una aclaración, como hace usted en su blog personal, sobre la posible instalación de un eco-parque cerca del Residencial Entre Golf, en el PAU-26, y sobre la política y las actuaciones de Los Verdes de Orihuela al respecto, hay que hacerlo de manera completa, sin faltar a la verdad y sin tratar de confundir a nadie.
Desde que la mercantil COLSUR comenzó a utilizar una parcela de zona verde en el PAU-26 para depósito de restos de podas y algas, el Grupo Municipal de Los Verdes denunció el hecho a instancias del Grupo de Los Verdes en la Costa del que usted formaba parte; es más, fue el Sr. Pret (miembro de la Ejecutiva de Los Verdes), personalmente, quien denunció al SEPRONA la ocupación ilegal. Desde Los Verdes de Orihuela hemos intentado, sin éxito por la actitud del P.P., que se devolviera la zona verde a su anterior estado, y usted lo conoce perfectamente.
En el momento que conocemos que se quiere destruir otra parcela contigua a la zona verde, que es dotacional, que cede el Ayuntamiento a la nueva concesionaria de la recogida de Residuos Sólidos Urbanos y Limpieza Viaria, y que legalmente pueden utilizar para instalar un eco-parque y un almacén, tal y como está previsto en el Pliego de Condiciones de la contrata, es cuando este Grupo Municipal hace la propuesta que tanto le ha molestado. El cambio de parcela evita radicalmente que se desbroce la más cercana a los vecinos, que actúa de pantalla natural, y que nos llevaría a que no se destruyera la pinada que allí existe.
Esa es la intención de Los Verdes y no otra, y usted lo sabe muy bien. Ahora bien, lo que se propone desde Los Verdes es el cambio de una parcela por otra para la instalación de un eco-parque y un almacén. Nunca, jamás, este Grupo Municipal ha contemplado la posibilidad de que se instale allí una Planta de Transferencia, ni que se consienta que allí entren camiones con residuos, ni lo va a consentir; y usted lo sabe, porque así se lo hicimos saber en nuestra última reunión.
Sin embargo, los comentarios que vierte en su blog no se corresponden con lo que usted conoce sobre el tema. Las pretensiones del Gobierno Municipal del Partido Popular no son las de Los Verdes y usted lo sabe. Le aseguro que este Grupo Municipal de Los Verdes luchará con las armas de que dispone para que no se utilice una zona verde como Planta de Transferencia, y luchará igualmente para que no se moleste a los vecinos, tal y como ha hecho en el último Pleno y en otros anteriores.
Usted conoce perfectamente nuestro posicionamiento en este caso porque le dijimos, en nuestra última reunión, que serían los vecinos afectados quienes conocerían las intenciones del Concejal Abadía, que posibilitaríamos una reunión (que todavía no se ha tenido por cuestiones ajenas a Los Verdes) con él y que Los Verdes defenderían la opinión y la opción que tomaran los vecinos afectados. ¿Por qué dice ahora otra cosa?
Cuando el Sr. Perret comunica a los vecinos que es posible el cambio de parcela es porque así se lo dije personalmente y porque así me lo hicieron saber desde la Concejalía de Urbanismo y desde la de Infraestructuras; el Sr. Perret no se inventó nada. Otra cosa muy distinta es que quienes gobiernan este Ayuntamiento cambien de opinión de un día para otro; esa fue la primera intención y así lo hizo saber el Sr. Perret a los vecinos afectados.
No es verdad lo que usted da a entender y se lo repito cuantas veces sean necesarias: Los verdes no consentirán la instalación de una Planta de Transferencia en la zona verde del PAU-26; otra cuestión muy distinta es la instalación de un eco-parque. Si usted conoce lo que es un eco-parque, este funciona en horario diurno de trabajo y son los propios vecinos los que, en sus vehículos, depositan todo aquello que no se recoge habitualmente. Esto no molesta a nadie, se encuentra en el centro de cualquier ciudad y no supone molestia alguna. Este es el cambio que, con muy buen criterio, propuso a la Ejecutiva el Sr. Perret y que este Grupo Municipal de Los Verdes presentó al Ayuntamiento.
Sr. Sampford, hemos trabajado muy bien con usted en Los Verdes de la Costa y se había ganado usted nuestra mayor consideración y aprecio. Por eso, al margen de cuestiones electoralistas, no entendemos su actitud hacia nosotros. Sepa usted que por encima de cualquier consideración de partido, Los Verdes de Orihuela llevamos desde 2003 intentando dar soluciones a los problemas de nuestros vecinos, atendiendo sus solicitudes y sus quejas, ayudando en lo posible a quien lo ha necesitado, proponiendo ideas y actuaciones, e intentando parar los abusos de quienes nos gobiernan. Ese ha sido nuestro trabajo y seguirá siendo nuestro objetivo, con usted y sin usted.
Monserrate Guillén.
Concejal y Portavoz del Grupo Municipal de Los Verdes de Orihuela
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Orihuela Town Council meeting - 26th May 2009
At the full monthly meeting of the Orihuela Town Council (Pleno) held on Tuesday 26th May 2009 the following points which affect Orihuela Costa were discussed.
1)The Municipal Local Action Plan against the risks of accidental water pollution in Orihuela was approved unanimously.
The Plan will apply to any emergency situation of water pollution that takes place within the coastal area of orihuela and risks because of rain in the barrancos and ramblas.
The Councillor for Los Verdes, Manuel Gallud 'congratulated' the PP government for recognising amongst other things on the coast the danger of flooded roads due to the lack of planning in Cala Capitán and la Zenia.
2)The Motion presented by Los Verdes, about the reduction of various municipal taxes to persons unemployed who do not collect unemployment benefit or their benefits are below the minimum wage, or users of social welfare and large families, received the unanimous agreement of the council. The Los Verdes Councillor Manuel Culiáñez requested in his Motion discounts of up to 75% on various municipal taxes.
3) The CLR (Centro Liberal Renovador) proposed the improvement of sections of bicycle lanes in the municipality of Orihuela. Councillor, and spokesman of Los Verdes, Monserrate Guillén, reminded those present in the council meeting, that in 2008, Los Verdes presented an amendment to the General Budget of the Municipality of Orihuela about investment to build sections of bicycle lanes throughout the municipality . The PP Government accepted the proposal to improve and expand existing sections into parishes and also in the Coast. The motion was approved unanimously.
4) Questions:
Department of Public Works (PP Councillor Eva Ortiz): Request for information with regards to the homes of VPO (social housing) on the Coast, because until this time it has not been notified to the winners of the draw (or at least to some), nor to those who were included in the reserve list to confirm the situation, and already one year has passed since the allocation award took place.
Department of Infrastructure (PP Councillor Manuel Abadía): In light of the change of the contract for the recycling collection and processing of waste in this town, tell us where they (the contractor) take the recycling rubbish and what type of treatment it receives, since the new contractor has come into action.
Department of Infrastructure (PP Councillor Manuel Abadía): If we all agree that you are not attaining the 100% collection of waste, as it is reflected in the terms and conditions of the contract, why, however, has the Council authorised full 100% settlement of the Contractor's charges? Or are they not checking at all? Are you aware that at this time, the new contractor has ceased to employ 18 people who were already working for the previous business? If so, and given that there was insufficient staff already, how can you accept this fact that is detrimental to the service that the company has to give citizens and that favours the profits of the contractor?
The Councillors will give their answers in writing.
1)The Municipal Local Action Plan against the risks of accidental water pollution in Orihuela was approved unanimously.
The Plan will apply to any emergency situation of water pollution that takes place within the coastal area of orihuela and risks because of rain in the barrancos and ramblas.
The Councillor for Los Verdes, Manuel Gallud 'congratulated' the PP government for recognising amongst other things on the coast the danger of flooded roads due to the lack of planning in Cala Capitán and la Zenia.
2)The Motion presented by Los Verdes, about the reduction of various municipal taxes to persons unemployed who do not collect unemployment benefit or their benefits are below the minimum wage, or users of social welfare and large families, received the unanimous agreement of the council. The Los Verdes Councillor Manuel Culiáñez requested in his Motion discounts of up to 75% on various municipal taxes.
3) The CLR (Centro Liberal Renovador) proposed the improvement of sections of bicycle lanes in the municipality of Orihuela. Councillor, and spokesman of Los Verdes, Monserrate Guillén, reminded those present in the council meeting, that in 2008, Los Verdes presented an amendment to the General Budget of the Municipality of Orihuela about investment to build sections of bicycle lanes throughout the municipality . The PP Government accepted the proposal to improve and expand existing sections into parishes and also in the Coast. The motion was approved unanimously.
4) Questions:
Department of Public Works (PP Councillor Eva Ortiz): Request for information with regards to the homes of VPO (social housing) on the Coast, because until this time it has not been notified to the winners of the draw (or at least to some), nor to those who were included in the reserve list to confirm the situation, and already one year has passed since the allocation award took place.
Department of Infrastructure (PP Councillor Manuel Abadía): In light of the change of the contract for the recycling collection and processing of waste in this town, tell us where they (the contractor) take the recycling rubbish and what type of treatment it receives, since the new contractor has come into action.
Department of Infrastructure (PP Councillor Manuel Abadía): If we all agree that you are not attaining the 100% collection of waste, as it is reflected in the terms and conditions of the contract, why, however, has the Council authorised full 100% settlement of the Contractor's charges? Or are they not checking at all? Are you aware that at this time, the new contractor has ceased to employ 18 people who were already working for the previous business? If so, and given that there was insufficient staff already, how can you accept this fact that is detrimental to the service that the company has to give citizens and that favours the profits of the contractor?
The Councillors will give their answers in writing.
Monday, June 1, 2009
Last polls: up and better than in 2004

According to Predict 09, a European site summing up national polls, the Greens/EFA would get 42 seats out of 735, if elections had been held around 21May. The result is two seats up from the end of April, and slightly better than the score in 2004, when the Greens/EFA won 43 seats out of 785.
Parasite Risk In Anchovies Varies Depending On Origin Of Fish
ScienceDaily (May 31, 2009) — The Anisakis spp parasite can still be found in one of the most emblematic Mediterranean dishes – anchovies in vinegar. Spanish researchers have shown the parasites are present at higher levels in anchovies from the south east Atlantic coast and the north eastern Mediterranean, and urge consumers to freeze or cook the fish before eating it.
Although the European Union and Spanish regulations require restaurants to freeze fish that is eaten raw, “people still run the risk of anisakiasis infection from homemade anchovies in vinegar if they have not got into the habit of freezing the fish for at least 24 hours at -20ºC”, according to a team of scientists from the University of Granada (UGR), which has found the larvae of Anisakis spp and another similar parasite, Hysterothylacium aduncum, in anchovies from the west of the Mediterranean Sea and the east of the Atlantic Ocean.
Read the full article - ScienceDaily (May 31, 2009)
Although the European Union and Spanish regulations require restaurants to freeze fish that is eaten raw, “people still run the risk of anisakiasis infection from homemade anchovies in vinegar if they have not got into the habit of freezing the fish for at least 24 hours at -20ºC”, according to a team of scientists from the University of Granada (UGR), which has found the larvae of Anisakis spp and another similar parasite, Hysterothylacium aduncum, in anchovies from the west of the Mediterranean Sea and the east of the Atlantic Ocean.
Read the full article - ScienceDaily (May 31, 2009)
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Lumley: The Green Party is the obvious choice in poll

Fresh from her triumph in securing immigration rights for Gurkha veterans, the actress has thrown her support behind the party for the 4 June poll. Party insiders believe Lumley's popularity will provide a huge boost to their campaign for the European Parliament.
Lumley, who so far has not shown interest in being a politician herself, said the public should make a “positive vote” for the party and has given her personal backing to Green Party leader and South-East MEP Caroline Lucas.
The actress and campaigner said: “Caroline Lucas is a tireless campaigner in the European Parliament, staunchly defending human rights and strongly promoting greater protection for animals.”
Both women have campaigned against human rights abuses in Burma and Lumley said the Green Party was “the obvious choice for real change”. “I urge you to cast a positive vote for a better future by voting Green in the European elections,” the actress said. Ms Lucas said: “I feel honoured to have her support.”
Paul Waugh - Evening Standard
It is the celebrity endorsement that all the major political parties would have loved to receive. But Joanna Lumley, who shamed ministers into granting immigration rights to Gurkha veterans, has given her backing in next week's European elections to the Greens.
Her decision is a blow for the Liberal Democrats who had been wooing the Absolutely Fabulous star during the Gurkha campaign.
But the actress – named as the female celebrity the public would most like to run the country – said the Greens were most likely to bring about real change. "I urge you to cast a positive vote for a better future by voting Green in the European elections," she added.
Nigel Morris - The Independant
Whether you are voting here in Spain or in the Uk in the European Elections it would be 'Absolutely Fabulous' if you vote for the GREEN PARTY.(In Spain vote LOS VERDES - GRUPO VERDE EUROPEO'
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
7 political groups in the European Parliament
Members of the European Parliament do not sit and act according to national groupings, but organise themselves into political groups. Political groups draw together political parties from across the EU which share ideological principles and political views. Parliament's rules currently specify that a political group must be composed of at least 20 members from at least one fifth of EU countries. In the outgoing Parliament there are seven political groups, (in order of size):
On the 7th June in Orihuela Costa vote LOS VERDES - GRUPO VERDE EUROPEO'
- EPP-ED: The European People's Party (Christian Democrats) and European Democrats.
- PES: The Socialist Group in the European Parliament.
- ALDE: Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe.
- UEN: Union for Europe of the Nations.
- Greens-EFA: Greens / European Free Alliance.
- GUE/NGL: European United Left/Nordic Green Party.
- IND/DEM: Independence and Democracy group.
Additionally, a number of members, not belonging to any political group, sit as independents or "non-attached"
On the 7th June in Orihuela Costa vote LOS VERDES - GRUPO VERDE EUROPEO'
5 big things the European Parliament did in the last 5 years
The laws the European Parliament passes make a real difference for Europeans, in their daily lives and in their work. Some are felt directly and immediately, some filter through the system via national laws; either way the Parliament makes a difference:
* REACH: Parliament broke legislative deadlock on a fearsomely complex proposal from the European Commission to ensure the passage of new laws requiring the registration of tens of thousands of chemical substances, the removal from circulation of many hazardous and toxic substances and providing research money to find replacements of others. Public health and the environment were the big beneficiaries.
* Passenger rights: Parliament passed into law new rules requiring transport operators to compensate passengers properly for delays and cancellations to which they fall victim. It also ensured that advertised ticket pricing (for example on websites) must clearly show include all charges and taxes passengers must pay.
* Freedom to work across the EU: In one of the hottest political debates of the term - on the so-called "services directive" - members of the European Parliament thrashed out the conclusive deal which allowed Europe to set clear and fair rules allowing providers of services large and small from all EU countries to operate freely across the EU.
* Global warming: The European Parliament addressed what many believe is the big issue of our times passing a package of laws which aims to achieve a 20% cut in greenhouse gas emissions, a 20% improvement in energy efficiency, and a 20% share for renewable energy in the EU energy mix by 2020.
* Cheaper phone calls: The European Parliament passed laws capping the amounts mobile phone companies can charge for calls made and received abroad, bringing an end to many disagreeable post-holiday surprises. Later, it turned its attention to text messages and data, introducing similar provisions.
These are only a taster of Parliament's activities between 2004 and 2009 and it's important that we cast our vote in the elections on the 7th June here in Spain.
* REACH: Parliament broke legislative deadlock on a fearsomely complex proposal from the European Commission to ensure the passage of new laws requiring the registration of tens of thousands of chemical substances, the removal from circulation of many hazardous and toxic substances and providing research money to find replacements of others. Public health and the environment were the big beneficiaries.
* Passenger rights: Parliament passed into law new rules requiring transport operators to compensate passengers properly for delays and cancellations to which they fall victim. It also ensured that advertised ticket pricing (for example on websites) must clearly show include all charges and taxes passengers must pay.
* Freedom to work across the EU: In one of the hottest political debates of the term - on the so-called "services directive" - members of the European Parliament thrashed out the conclusive deal which allowed Europe to set clear and fair rules allowing providers of services large and small from all EU countries to operate freely across the EU.
* Global warming: The European Parliament addressed what many believe is the big issue of our times passing a package of laws which aims to achieve a 20% cut in greenhouse gas emissions, a 20% improvement in energy efficiency, and a 20% share for renewable energy in the EU energy mix by 2020.
* Cheaper phone calls: The European Parliament passed laws capping the amounts mobile phone companies can charge for calls made and received abroad, bringing an end to many disagreeable post-holiday surprises. Later, it turned its attention to text messages and data, introducing similar provisions.
These are only a taster of Parliament's activities between 2004 and 2009 and it's important that we cast our vote in the elections on the 7th June here in Spain.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Green Party News - 1 Million New Jobs
The UK Green Party wants to create 1 million new jobs renewable energy, home insulation, local agriculture and public transport.
If you're voting in the European Elections by post in the UK vote Green on the 4th of June.
If you're voting in the European Elections by post in the UK vote Green on the 4th of June.
Friday, May 22, 2009
Who is Ignorant about the Poor Cleaning of Orihuela?
Following the highlighting, by Los Verdes, of the problems being experienced by the residents of the Orihuela Municipality since the start of the new cleaning contract (1st May) by UTE, the PP Councillor for Infrastructure (including services) Sr. Manuel Abadía has responded as reported in '' and ''.

He said that the statements made by Los Verdes were out of “ignorance” of the situation and said they should not report deficiencies only 20 days into the new contract.

He referred to the promised one off 'In-depth Cleaning' exercise (including removal of graffiti, chewing gum and the such like from the streets) stating that it will be starting on the 1st June.
In reply to the statements by Sr. Abadía, as reported in informació, Los Verdes have to say that ignorance of the situation that is causing the poor performance of the new contract for rubbish collection and street cleaning is on the part of the Councillor.
He does not seem to be aware that the new proposed underground rubbish containers are not functioning yet. He seems to have forgotten that the management of the new contractor stated that the 'In-depth Cleaning' would be carried out from the start of the new contract on the 1st May.
He probably doesn't know that the Mayoress, Sra. Monica Lorente, said at the presentation awarding the new contract that the new equipment “would have the capacity in twenty seconds to clean an entire urbanisation”, a statement more appropriate to a character in a fantasy story than a supposed manager of the Orihuela Municipality.

Sr. Abadía seems to be more the manager of the new contractor, by the defence he makes for such a deficient cleaning service, than a Councillor of Orihuela who should be obtaining and demanding the best service for the rubbish collection and street cleaning for the good of all the citizens.
He chooses to ignore the fact that when the contract started on the 1st May it was 4 months behind schedule and that the company has had plenty of time to become aware of the needs of the Municipality.
He needs to appreciate that the statements and observations made by Los Verdes are as a result of listening to the comments and criticisms made by residents about the new service. Only by making the Councillor and his department aware of the failures in the service will changes and corrections happen.

A additional question that Sr. Abadía should be asking the contractor is when and where will Orihuela Costa be getting the missing new 120 'Recycling Points' in accordance with the terms of the contract like those already installed in Orihuela Town? Is this preferential treatment for Orihuela again?

The ignorance and statements of Sr. Abadía show his abominable management as leader
of the Council Department of infrastructure and again the failure of Mónica Lorente and the Orihuela PP.

He said that the statements made by Los Verdes were out of “ignorance” of the situation and said they should not report deficiencies only 20 days into the new contract.

He referred to the promised one off 'In-depth Cleaning' exercise (including removal of graffiti, chewing gum and the such like from the streets) stating that it will be starting on the 1st June.
In reply to the statements by Sr. Abadía, as reported in informació, Los Verdes have to say that ignorance of the situation that is causing the poor performance of the new contract for rubbish collection and street cleaning is on the part of the Councillor.
He does not seem to be aware that the new proposed underground rubbish containers are not functioning yet. He seems to have forgotten that the management of the new contractor stated that the 'In-depth Cleaning' would be carried out from the start of the new contract on the 1st May.
He probably doesn't know that the Mayoress, Sra. Monica Lorente, said at the presentation awarding the new contract that the new equipment “would have the capacity in twenty seconds to clean an entire urbanisation”, a statement more appropriate to a character in a fantasy story than a supposed manager of the Orihuela Municipality.

Sr. Abadía seems to be more the manager of the new contractor, by the defence he makes for such a deficient cleaning service, than a Councillor of Orihuela who should be obtaining and demanding the best service for the rubbish collection and street cleaning for the good of all the citizens.
He chooses to ignore the fact that when the contract started on the 1st May it was 4 months behind schedule and that the company has had plenty of time to become aware of the needs of the Municipality.
He needs to appreciate that the statements and observations made by Los Verdes are as a result of listening to the comments and criticisms made by residents about the new service. Only by making the Councillor and his department aware of the failures in the service will changes and corrections happen.

A additional question that Sr. Abadía should be asking the contractor is when and where will Orihuela Costa be getting the missing new 120 'Recycling Points' in accordance with the terms of the contract like those already installed in Orihuela Town? Is this preferential treatment for Orihuela again?

The ignorance and statements of Sr. Abadía show his abominable management as leader
of the Council Department of infrastructure and again the failure of Mónica Lorente and the Orihuela PP.
Orihuela Costa,
Rubbish Collection
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
New Rubbish Collection Service - Is it Better?

The Los Verdes party of Orihuela report that twenty days after the commencement of the new contract for the collection of household rubbish and street cleaning, it can be seen that the new service does not take into account the specific needs in respect of these two services in the municipality
In the Coast it is hard to see what has been done for the street cleaning. The old rubbish bins appear to be abandoned, left in the middle of the streets and we are in a high density tourist area (the photographs shown are in the majority of the Campoamor area). Many of them have not been emptied, are full and smell badly. Where there were four bins there is now only one larger bin but this is not sufficient. The result is that bags of rubbish are scattered in the street and not always collected. In the commercial centres the upturned old bins are mixed with the new ones which are full with rubbish bags crowded around them. In the Agua Marina commercial centre area the old bins remain and it isn't known if these are emptied because they are always overflowing with rubbish.
The collection of green garden rubbish continues as before, with rubbish left in the streets or next to the bins for weeks. The dumped building rubbish from small building or alteration work remains in the streets. Nobody knows where to take it except to leave it in the streets.

The company awarded the contract was perfectly aware when the contract began how many containers were needed. They were also aware that they must remove the old containers, not just put a new one and that's it. Well, no, at this time the new contractor works as the previous ones had done; badly.

Los Verdes regret that regarding the recycling of rubbish nothing has changed, everything is more of the same. The residents will have no choice but to find where each recycling container is, because they are not all together, each is located in a different area. Therefore those residents who want to separate their waste so that it can be recycled will have to be patient and find recycle bins in certain places on the Coast, it may be a long way. It is unfortunate that so far, and after going through many neighbourhoods, we have not seen any new 'Cleaning Points' (recycling bin sites) on the Coast

So it goes. We were led to believe it would all change for the better and that we would get a good value for money service for the taxes we pay.

The question is: What has changed for the better and for whom has it changed for the better?
Edited 20.05.2009
Articles: La &
Orihuela Costa,
Rubbish Collection
Monday, May 18, 2009
Disruption to Passport Services between 15-27th July

The British Consulate General in Madrid will be moving to brand new premises in July.
Their new offices they say will provide customers with a more modern, customer-friendly environment, with improved facilities. At the same time, they will be introducing an upgraded IT system to help provide their customers with a more efficient service.
During the period of the move and changeover of IT systems, it is anticipatedthat there will be a disruption to the passport issuing service. Therefore British passport holders who are thinking of travelling over the summer, are strongly advise you to renew their passports now to ensure that they have their new passport when it's needed.
Don’t lose out!
If you are concerned that by renewing your passport before it has expired you’ll miss out on the full 10 years validity of your current passport, you needn’t be.
The Consulate has confirmed that any passport that is sent to be renewed which still has up to 9 months validity remaining, will have the still-valid time added as an extension. So for example if you’ve got a passport that expires in October 2009 but decide to renew it May 2009, a new passport will be issued that would be valid up to October 2019 (so 10 years plus 5 months).
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Los Verdes Surgery - 27th May 2009
The fifth surgery of 2009 to be held by Councillor Monserrate Guillén, Los Verdes Councillor for the Coast, will be held on the Wednesday 27th May 2009 from 10.00 am to 12.30 pm at the Emerald Isle in La Florida in Orihuela Costa.
This is the opportunity for any residents of the coast to discuss their individual problems directly with their Councillor irrespective of which party they support.
As all the previous surgeries have been very busy, if someone wants to ask for a specific time, to reduce waiting, they should contact us by email at either, or telephone 686717273 to request a time if it's still available.
We provide translation facilities for English, French, German and Swedish into Spanish during the surgery.
The FREE Starter Kits, available for the People's 'Litter Pick-up' as part of the 'Clean up the Costa' campaign, will be available for collection during the surgery times from any of the Los Verdes members present.
It is also the opportunity to discuss the 'Dignity for the Disabled' campaign.
This is the opportunity for any residents of the coast to discuss their individual problems directly with their Councillor irrespective of which party they support.
As all the previous surgeries have been very busy, if someone wants to ask for a specific time, to reduce waiting, they should contact us by email at either, or telephone 686717273 to request a time if it's still available.
We provide translation facilities for English, French, German and Swedish into Spanish during the surgery.
The FREE Starter Kits, available for the People's 'Litter Pick-up' as part of the 'Clean up the Costa' campaign, will be available for collection during the surgery times from any of the Los Verdes members present.
It is also the opportunity to discuss the 'Dignity for the Disabled' campaign.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
'Los Verdes - Grupo Verde Europeo' - European Elections

The 'Los Verdes - Grupo Verde Europeo' chose to launch their campaign for the European elections at the Biocultura 2009 exhibition of environmentally friendly products held this week in Barcelona.
The 'Grupo Verde Europeo' is the coming together of various regional Green Parties within Spain to form a coalition to present a united list of candidates for the European Parliament elections on the 7th June.

The list is headed up Kristien Lesage, who is spokesman for Los Verdes del Mediterráneo. Originally from Belgium, Kristien is now resident in Mislata in Valencia. She is a member of the Heerlen Group, a network of members of different Green Parties of Europe that work to promote the direct participation in taking European decisions.
Position two on the list is held by Esteban Cabal, a writer. In 1991 he was the first Los Verdes Councillor to be elected in the Madrid Comunidad. In 1999 he headed the list of European candidates and obtained the support of 150,000 votes. Professionally his links are in the field of natural and alternative therapies.
Josep Lluis Freijo, founder of 'Els Verdes de Cataluña' holds the third position and in addition is the coordinator of the electoral campaign. As a green entrepreneur, his work is related to the field of bio-and ecological projects.
The three candidates, accompanied by a group of members and supporters, toured Bioculture 2009, the natural products trade show being held in Barcelona, where they unveiled Green Party proposals to emerge from the ecological crisis.
All of them wore a green work helmet as a symbol of the 20 million jobs which could be created in Europe if the European Union implements the proposal from the European Green Party entitled "Green New Deal", an ambitious public investment in energy alternative and sustainable business sectors. "
The candidates of the 'Los Verdes - Grupo Verde Europeo' pledged to boost , from the EuroChamber, organic farming and the market for natural products, as well as bio-construction and the recognition of natural medicines.
The 'Los Verdes - Grupo Verde Europeo' expects to achieve half a million votes in the European elections of June 7, which will surely result in becoming the third political force in Spanish politics and give them representation in the European Parliament.
European Elections,
European Parliament,
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Think Again Vote Green
For those Ex-Pats who are going to vote for the European elections in the UK - Think Again Vote Green.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Markets Update - Campoamor Stays - Rastrillos No
Following discussions between Los Verdes Councillor for the Coast, Sr. Monserrate Guillén, and the PP Councillors, Sr. José Antonio Aniorte (Councillor for the Coast) and Sr. José Manuel Cutillas (Councillor with responsibility for markets) we are able to give an update on the markets situation in Orihuela Costa.
Campoamor Market.
The decision has been taken by the PP Councillors to leave the market at it's current location in Agua Marina and not to move it back to its original site in Campoamor during the summer months as originally planned.
This will please the current stall holders as they are more than happy with the current site.
Perhaps we should call it the Aqua Marina market from now on!
Rastrillo (Flea Market).
The news on this subject is not so good at this time but with hope for the future.
It has been confirmed to Los Verdes that there will not be any licences issued for Rastrillos to be held within restaurant premises such as the Emerald Isle, Celtic Isle or Asturias Restaurant.
The explanation given to Councillor Guillén by the PP Councillors is that as many applications had been received for permission to hold Rastrillos, it would not be justifiable to offer licences to all of them and to select a few whilst rejecting the majority would create an unacceptable precedent.
There is hope for the future in that it was also confirmed that it was the Council's intention to hold a Rastrillo on the original Campoamor market site, although no start date has been given.
Los Verdes will continue to monitor the situation with regards both markets and look for further discussions with the PP Councillors concerned to see the Rastrillo start at the very earliest opportunity.
Campoamor Market.
The decision has been taken by the PP Councillors to leave the market at it's current location in Agua Marina and not to move it back to its original site in Campoamor during the summer months as originally planned.
This will please the current stall holders as they are more than happy with the current site.
Perhaps we should call it the Aqua Marina market from now on!
Rastrillo (Flea Market).
The news on this subject is not so good at this time but with hope for the future.
It has been confirmed to Los Verdes that there will not be any licences issued for Rastrillos to be held within restaurant premises such as the Emerald Isle, Celtic Isle or Asturias Restaurant.
The explanation given to Councillor Guillén by the PP Councillors is that as many applications had been received for permission to hold Rastrillos, it would not be justifiable to offer licences to all of them and to select a few whilst rejecting the majority would create an unacceptable precedent.
There is hope for the future in that it was also confirmed that it was the Council's intention to hold a Rastrillo on the original Campoamor market site, although no start date has been given.
Los Verdes will continue to monitor the situation with regards both markets and look for further discussions with the PP Councillors concerned to see the Rastrillo start at the very earliest opportunity.
Rules for the European Parliamentary elections
The first week of June should see millions of people exercise their right to vote for Members of the European Parliament. The EU does not have a single electoral law for these elections and many details are decided at a national level. Nevertheless, a basic set of rules has been established, which ensures that all MEPs are elected by universal suffrage in free elections by secret ballot, on the basis of proportional representation.
The rules for voting in European elections have developed since the Assembly was first conceived in 1957. The six founding countries envisaged a "uniform procedure" that they and Assembly Members would agree. This never developed as intended and national election rules have subsequently governed elections.
In 1976, the then nine Members of the Community agreed on a more general "Elections Act" for what became known as the European Parliament. This said that MEPs should be elected for five years, elections must be held within the same week, between Thursday and Sunday and the counting of votes may not start until polling stations are closed in all countries. It also said that MEPs may not also be Ministers in national governments or European Commissioners.
The Treaty of Amsterdam, which came into force in 1999, said that rules should be drawn up that follow common principles that would guide elections in the then 15 states of the European Union. A new election act in 2002 was first used in European elections for 25 countries in 2004.
All MEPs are elected by universal suffrage in free elections by secret ballot on the basis of proportional representation, rather than the first past the post system that had been used in some Member States and still is used for national elections.
However, countries can be subdivided into electoral regions to which proportional representation is applied. Ireland, the UK, Italy, France and Belgium use this system.
Countries can also impose a threshold not higher than 5% of all votes, at a national level, that a party or candidate must reach to be represented in the European Parliament.
Since the 2004 elections a member of the European Parliament cannot be a member of a National Government at the same time.
The mandate held by MEPs is personal and "they shall not be bound by any instructions and shall not receive a binding mandate."
The 1993 Maastricht Treaty legally introduced the notion of EU citizenship. With it came the possibility for EU citizens to vote in local and EP elections in the country where they live, regardless of nationality.
Citizens can also run for office in EP and municipal elections in a country other than their home EU state.
The rules for voting in European elections have developed since the Assembly was first conceived in 1957. The six founding countries envisaged a "uniform procedure" that they and Assembly Members would agree. This never developed as intended and national election rules have subsequently governed elections.
In 1976, the then nine Members of the Community agreed on a more general "Elections Act" for what became known as the European Parliament. This said that MEPs should be elected for five years, elections must be held within the same week, between Thursday and Sunday and the counting of votes may not start until polling stations are closed in all countries. It also said that MEPs may not also be Ministers in national governments or European Commissioners.
The Treaty of Amsterdam, which came into force in 1999, said that rules should be drawn up that follow common principles that would guide elections in the then 15 states of the European Union. A new election act in 2002 was first used in European elections for 25 countries in 2004.
All MEPs are elected by universal suffrage in free elections by secret ballot on the basis of proportional representation, rather than the first past the post system that had been used in some Member States and still is used for national elections.
However, countries can be subdivided into electoral regions to which proportional representation is applied. Ireland, the UK, Italy, France and Belgium use this system.
Countries can also impose a threshold not higher than 5% of all votes, at a national level, that a party or candidate must reach to be represented in the European Parliament.
Since the 2004 elections a member of the European Parliament cannot be a member of a National Government at the same time.
The mandate held by MEPs is personal and "they shall not be bound by any instructions and shall not receive a binding mandate."
The 1993 Maastricht Treaty legally introduced the notion of EU citizenship. With it came the possibility for EU citizens to vote in local and EP elections in the country where they live, regardless of nationality.
Citizens can also run for office in EP and municipal elections in a country other than their home EU state.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Monday, May 4, 2009
UK Green Party - Euro-election campaign videos
Are you a UK citizen registered to vote in the forthcoming European Elections in the UK as an overseas elector rather than here in Spain?
If you are then don't forget that if you agree with the ideals of the European Green Party you can show your support in the European Elections by using your vote in the UK to send more Green MEPs to the European Parliament.
The party will be putting forward a full list of candidates for the elections on the 4th June 2009 throughout the constituencies in the UK.
To compliment the series of election videos produced by the European Green Party, the UK Green Party is producing its own videos for the local and European elections. Caroline Lucas, the UK Green Party leader and MEP for the South East of England, asks us to look at areas of the country where the Greens are doing phenomenally well.
Caroline Lucas, in the first video, says it is important to have "people know, for example, that in Norwich, the Greens are the official opposition on Norwich City Council. Having people know that Brighton Pavilion is on the cusp of having its first Green MP. Places in London, like Lewisham are looking incredibly positive ... There's every evidence that when people believe that the Greens can actually get voted in, they will vote for us."
Future videos will outline support from prominent Green Party supporters in the UK.
The European elections will be on the 4th of June, 2009 in the UK, don't waste your opportunity to vote Green.
You can see a list of the UK Green Party European election candidates, region-by-region, here:
If you are then don't forget that if you agree with the ideals of the European Green Party you can show your support in the European Elections by using your vote in the UK to send more Green MEPs to the European Parliament.
The party will be putting forward a full list of candidates for the elections on the 4th June 2009 throughout the constituencies in the UK.
To compliment the series of election videos produced by the European Green Party, the UK Green Party is producing its own videos for the local and European elections. Caroline Lucas, the UK Green Party leader and MEP for the South East of England, asks us to look at areas of the country where the Greens are doing phenomenally well.
Caroline Lucas, in the first video, says it is important to have "people know, for example, that in Norwich, the Greens are the official opposition on Norwich City Council. Having people know that Brighton Pavilion is on the cusp of having its first Green MP. Places in London, like Lewisham are looking incredibly positive ... There's every evidence that when people believe that the Greens can actually get voted in, they will vote for us."
Future videos will outline support from prominent Green Party supporters in the UK.
The European elections will be on the 4th of June, 2009 in the UK, don't waste your opportunity to vote Green.
You can see a list of the UK Green Party European election candidates, region-by-region, here:
Orihuela Town Council meeting - 28th April 2009
At the full monthly meeting of the Orihuela Town Council (Pleno) held on Tuesday 28th April 2009 the following points which affect Orihuela Costa were discussed.
Urbanización Lomas de Cabo Roig.
The PP ruling party proposed to amend the Plan Parcial of the sector "Lomas de Cabo Roig" in relation to the three commercial building plots to increase build potential.
These three have the special feature of being located within the Urbanizations Villa Piedra, Las Amapolas and La Regia, near the toll motorway AP-7, in a totally urbanized and fully finished area.
Los Verdes and the other Opposition parties criticized the proposal by the PP for the following reasons.
Los Verdes Motion on aid for trade in the municipality of Orihuela, including the Coast.
Los Verdes submitted a motion to propose measures to promote the opening and survival of shops within the Orihuela Municipality including Orihuela Costa. The party believes that this is necessary as the PP ruling team are failing in their obligations in this matter.
In the current context of crisis, the retail sector is one of the sections of the economy of Orihuela that is suffering most. Every day we see establishments closing and for those that survive it is becoming increasingly difficult. This phenomenon effects all types of shops including the large commercial shopping centres.
Los Verdes presented the motion with a series of specific proposals that seek to be simple and straightforward to encourage the creation of new businesses, facilitating the reduction in costs at the opening of establishments across all Orihuela. These included a reduction of 50% in the cost of licence applications for opening new businesses and an exemption from the fees for building permits, for opening or refurbishment of ground floor premises, provided that the work is undertaken by companies with a business address or registered office in Orihuela. In addition it was proposed that a direct payment of 1500€ be given to those employers who open a business in Orihuela and offer a contract of employment to an employee who is registered as living in the Orihuela Municipality.
To take advantage of the initiatives the employer would have to fulfil a number of requirements in that the business is up to date with payments to the tax and social security and has been in business for at least 2 years in cases of recruitment of workers show that the employee has been registered in Orihuela for at least 1 year.
Despite a vote in favour of the motion by Los Verdes and the other Opposition parties it was rejected by the PP using its majority in the Council.
Questions to the PP Councillors:
Los Verdes submitted the following questions for clarification to the PP governing team.
Playa de Punta Prima.
The 2007 budget included funding for an elevator to give access to this beach, with an amount of over 250,000€.
Following an announcement by Sra Monica Lorente, the PP Mayor of Orihuela, during a press conference on the 30th May 2008 that the lift is to be installed as part of the investment considered necessary to meet the conditions for obtaining a ‘Blue Flag’ for the beach, Los Verdes of Orihuela made the comment that we do not consider that the installation of an elevator within the Punta Prima playa is the most cost effective way of giving access to the beach to those visitors that have mobility problems. .
The question is: where is the elevator or where is the money?
Councillor for the Coast Sr. José Antonio Aniorte is to reply in writing to Los Verdes.
Fiestas on the Coast
Following the spate of fiestas on the Costa (St. Patrick's day, the Oktoberfest (in April) and St Georges day), all between the months of March-April, Los Verdes asked the PP governing team, a question specifically about the Oktoberfest, which lasted 16 days with moderate success according to the few local traders from the coast invited, when we know that the rental of a giant marquee with a capacity of 600 people and an area of about 1,000 m2, is approximately 40,000€.
The question is: how much did this event cost the taxpayers of the Orihuela Municipality?
Councillor for the Coast Sr. José Antonio Aniorte is to reply in writing to Los Verdes.
Urbanización Lomas de Cabo Roig.
The PP ruling party proposed to amend the Plan Parcial of the sector "Lomas de Cabo Roig" in relation to the three commercial building plots to increase build potential.
These three have the special feature of being located within the Urbanizations Villa Piedra, Las Amapolas and La Regia, near the toll motorway AP-7, in a totally urbanized and fully finished area.
Los Verdes and the other Opposition parties criticized the proposal by the PP for the following reasons.
- There are already enough shops, many empty or closed, then there is no economic need, with being close to large shopping centres such as LIDL, ALDI, Mercadona, PetsWord, the future Alcampo supermarket, a petrol station with a shop 24 hours, etc.
- Such trade will bring inconvenience to the retailer, day and night with bars and restaurants with high traffic and noise.
- The council has not notified the neighbours of the Partial Plan amendment, who have not been able to submit objections to the draft amendment.
- Once again, the PP does town planning changes for the benefit of its promoter friends.
Los Verdes Motion on aid for trade in the municipality of Orihuela, including the Coast.
Los Verdes submitted a motion to propose measures to promote the opening and survival of shops within the Orihuela Municipality including Orihuela Costa. The party believes that this is necessary as the PP ruling team are failing in their obligations in this matter.
In the current context of crisis, the retail sector is one of the sections of the economy of Orihuela that is suffering most. Every day we see establishments closing and for those that survive it is becoming increasingly difficult. This phenomenon effects all types of shops including the large commercial shopping centres.
Los Verdes presented the motion with a series of specific proposals that seek to be simple and straightforward to encourage the creation of new businesses, facilitating the reduction in costs at the opening of establishments across all Orihuela. These included a reduction of 50% in the cost of licence applications for opening new businesses and an exemption from the fees for building permits, for opening or refurbishment of ground floor premises, provided that the work is undertaken by companies with a business address or registered office in Orihuela. In addition it was proposed that a direct payment of 1500€ be given to those employers who open a business in Orihuela and offer a contract of employment to an employee who is registered as living in the Orihuela Municipality.
To take advantage of the initiatives the employer would have to fulfil a number of requirements in that the business is up to date with payments to the tax and social security and has been in business for at least 2 years in cases of recruitment of workers show that the employee has been registered in Orihuela for at least 1 year.
Despite a vote in favour of the motion by Los Verdes and the other Opposition parties it was rejected by the PP using its majority in the Council.
Questions to the PP Councillors:
Los Verdes submitted the following questions for clarification to the PP governing team.
Playa de Punta Prima.
The 2007 budget included funding for an elevator to give access to this beach, with an amount of over 250,000€.
Following an announcement by Sra Monica Lorente, the PP Mayor of Orihuela, during a press conference on the 30th May 2008 that the lift is to be installed as part of the investment considered necessary to meet the conditions for obtaining a ‘Blue Flag’ for the beach, Los Verdes of Orihuela made the comment that we do not consider that the installation of an elevator within the Punta Prima playa is the most cost effective way of giving access to the beach to those visitors that have mobility problems. .
The question is: where is the elevator or where is the money?
Councillor for the Coast Sr. José Antonio Aniorte is to reply in writing to Los Verdes.
Fiestas on the Coast
Following the spate of fiestas on the Costa (St. Patrick's day, the Oktoberfest (in April) and St Georges day), all between the months of March-April, Los Verdes asked the PP governing team, a question specifically about the Oktoberfest, which lasted 16 days with moderate success according to the few local traders from the coast invited, when we know that the rental of a giant marquee with a capacity of 600 people and an area of about 1,000 m2, is approximately 40,000€.
The question is: how much did this event cost the taxpayers of the Orihuela Municipality?
Councillor for the Coast Sr. José Antonio Aniorte is to reply in writing to Los Verdes.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Decicisions of the Strasbourg Plenary Session
Earlier this week I reported on some of the items to be included in the parliament session held from the 21 - 24 April. Amongst them were the following items that have been agreed as reported in European Parliament press releases.
This first one will certainly please residents and visitors who have to use mobile telephones as their only form of telephonic contact to individuals and for web access.
Lower charges for mobile roaming from 1 July
Charges for calling, texting and mobile internet surfing while travelling abroad in the EU will be cut from 1 July 2009.
The amended regulation was adopted by 646 votes in favour, with 22 votes against and 9 abstentions.
Cutting the charges for roaming phone calls
The regulation does not fix roaming prices at rates set by the EU, but sets ceilings beneath which mobile operators can compete by offering lower prices. The existing 2007 roaming regulation lays down that from 1 July 2009 consumers will have to pay a maximum of €0.43 per minute (excluding VAT) for outgoing and a maximum of €0.19 per minute (excluding VAT) for incoming roaming calls.
The new legislative text sets roaming phone call caps for 2010 and 2011 - i.e. home operators may charge their customers for a roaming phone call:
From 1 July 2009 operators would have to charge their customers by the second but can apply an initial minimum charging period of 30 seconds, says the text.
Cheaper data roaming services
MEPs and the Council Presidency agreed with the Commission that a roamed text message (SMS) should cost a maximum of €0.11 (excluding VAT) from 1 July 2009. (Art.1, para 7, point 2).
Other data roaming services (such as sending emails and pictures or web-browsing from mobile phones or laptops) will be regulated at wholesale level – i.e. there will be a price cap for the rates the host operator charges a roaming customer’s home operator, calculated on a kilobyte basis:
To prevent "bill shocks", roaming customers would be able to opt free of charge for a maximum financial limit from 1 March 2010, stipulates the new regulation. One of these financial limits should be set at €50 (excluding VAT) or the corresponding data volume, agreed MEPs and the Presidency. This limit would automatically apply to all customers who have not made another choice by 1 July 2010, says the text.
The new legislation says that providers will have to warn their customers when 80% of the agreed limit has been reached. Once the limit is reached, another notification should be sent, indicating the procedure to be followed if the customer wishes to continue data roaming. If the user does not respond the provider should cease all data roaming services.
Tyre labels to show fuel efficiency, safety and noise.
Tyre buyers will be better informed about their fuel-efficiency, safety and noise performance thanks to a mandatory tyre label proposal adopted by the European Parliament. Like the European energy label, the tyre label will use fuel-efficiency classes ranging from best-performance (green “A” class) to worst (red “G” class). It will also show the tyre's wet grip and noise performance.
The amended regulation was adopted by 642 votes in favour, with 23 votes against and 8 abstentions.
Fuel efficiency, wet grip and noise label
From November 2012, suppliers must show fuel efficiency, wet grip and external rolling noise classes in any technical promotional literature for C1, C2 and C3 tyres (fitted to passenger cars, light and heavy duty vehicles) propduced after 1 July 2012, says the report drafted by Ivo Belet (EPP-ED, BE). Distributors must also include these values in their bills, says the amended draft legislation.
The label will also have to be attached, e.g. as a sticker, to C1 and C2 tyres, says the European Parliament.
Low noise mark for very quiet tyres
To promote low-noise tyres, the European Parliament inserted a provision in the text for a new "low noise mark", showing a tyre with earmuffs if the noise level is below 68 decibels (C1), 69 decibels (C2 tyres) or 70 decibels (C3 tyres).
Europe must deliver a common immigration policy, say MEPs
The European Parliament is proposing a blue-print for a common policy on European immigration. The report recognises the importance of legal immigration, in the face of Europe's ageing population and declining workforce, but also urges Member States to jointly tackle the problems caused by illegal immigration. They also propose to reinforce migrant's rights, by allowing them to vote in local elections.
MEPs describe immigration as "one of the foremost challenges that Europe is currently facing", and believe that it will remain a significant challenge for the coming decades. Furthermore, a common approach to immigration is vital as shared European borders mean that "action or inaction by one Member State has a direct impact on others and on the EU as a whole." If migration is poorly managed, it will not only have a negative impact on the countries of destination but also to the countries of origin and the migrants themselves.
The European Parliament adopted an own-initiative report drafted by Simon Busuttil (EPP-ED, MT) on Wednesday, by 485 votes in favour, 110 against and 19 abstentions.
Migrants have always played "a vital role in the development of the EU", and the report stresses the importance of recognising their past and continuing contribution. Therefore, Europe should continue to be a welcoming environment for migrants; especially as, according to Eurostat statistics, the European working age population is expected to fall by 50 million workers by 2060. Well managed immigration could help to provide crucial economic stimulus to the EU in the coming years.
MEPs call for Member States to maintain minimum stocks of crude oil
Crude oil is one of the main energy sources of the EU, and is likely continue to be for several decades. The Commission estimates that in 2030, European demand will be one third higher than it was in 2006, which is of concern as demand was already outstripping supply in 2006. Therefore, the European Parliament is calling on Member States to maintain minimum stocks of crude oil as a barrier to protect against any unexpected cuts in supply.
MEPs are concerned that a sudden shortage of crude oil could be extremely damaging to the economies of Member States, and that could also "compromise" national military capabilities. The risk of an unexpected shortage of oil has increased in recent years due to increasing global demands, the concentration of oil supplies in often unstable areas and decreasing resources within the European Union. In light of this, the report drafted by Miloslav Ransdorf (GUE/NGL, CZ) calls for increased energy security and more effective monitoring of oil stocks in the EU. The report was adopted with 629 votes in favour, 24 against and 8 abstentions.
This first one will certainly please residents and visitors who have to use mobile telephones as their only form of telephonic contact to individuals and for web access.
Lower charges for mobile roaming from 1 July
Charges for calling, texting and mobile internet surfing while travelling abroad in the EU will be cut from 1 July 2009.
The amended regulation was adopted by 646 votes in favour, with 22 votes against and 9 abstentions.
Cutting the charges for roaming phone calls
The regulation does not fix roaming prices at rates set by the EU, but sets ceilings beneath which mobile operators can compete by offering lower prices. The existing 2007 roaming regulation lays down that from 1 July 2009 consumers will have to pay a maximum of €0.43 per minute (excluding VAT) for outgoing and a maximum of €0.19 per minute (excluding VAT) for incoming roaming calls.
The new legislative text sets roaming phone call caps for 2010 and 2011 - i.e. home operators may charge their customers for a roaming phone call:
- from 1 July 2010: a maximum of €0.39 per minute (excluding VAT) for outgoing and a maximum of €0.15 per minute (excluding VAT) for incoming roaming calls;
- from 1 July 2011: a maximum of €0.35 per minute (excluding VAT) for outgoing and a maximum of €0.11 per minute (excluding VAT) for incoming roaming calls.
From 1 July 2009 operators would have to charge their customers by the second but can apply an initial minimum charging period of 30 seconds, says the text.
Cheaper data roaming services
MEPs and the Council Presidency agreed with the Commission that a roamed text message (SMS) should cost a maximum of €0.11 (excluding VAT) from 1 July 2009. (Art.1, para 7, point 2).
Other data roaming services (such as sending emails and pictures or web-browsing from mobile phones or laptops) will be regulated at wholesale level – i.e. there will be a price cap for the rates the host operator charges a roaming customer’s home operator, calculated on a kilobyte basis:
- from 1 July 2009: a maximum of €1.00 per megabyte (excluding VAT);
- from 1 July 2010: a maximum of €0.80 per megabyte (excluding VAT);
- from 1 July 2011: a maximum of €0.50 per megabyte (excluding VAT).
To prevent "bill shocks", roaming customers would be able to opt free of charge for a maximum financial limit from 1 March 2010, stipulates the new regulation. One of these financial limits should be set at €50 (excluding VAT) or the corresponding data volume, agreed MEPs and the Presidency. This limit would automatically apply to all customers who have not made another choice by 1 July 2010, says the text.
The new legislation says that providers will have to warn their customers when 80% of the agreed limit has been reached. Once the limit is reached, another notification should be sent, indicating the procedure to be followed if the customer wishes to continue data roaming. If the user does not respond the provider should cease all data roaming services.
Tyre labels to show fuel efficiency, safety and noise.
Tyre buyers will be better informed about their fuel-efficiency, safety and noise performance thanks to a mandatory tyre label proposal adopted by the European Parliament. Like the European energy label, the tyre label will use fuel-efficiency classes ranging from best-performance (green “A” class) to worst (red “G” class). It will also show the tyre's wet grip and noise performance.
The amended regulation was adopted by 642 votes in favour, with 23 votes against and 8 abstentions.
Fuel efficiency, wet grip and noise label
From November 2012, suppliers must show fuel efficiency, wet grip and external rolling noise classes in any technical promotional literature for C1, C2 and C3 tyres (fitted to passenger cars, light and heavy duty vehicles) propduced after 1 July 2012, says the report drafted by Ivo Belet (EPP-ED, BE). Distributors must also include these values in their bills, says the amended draft legislation.
The label will also have to be attached, e.g. as a sticker, to C1 and C2 tyres, says the European Parliament.
Low noise mark for very quiet tyres
To promote low-noise tyres, the European Parliament inserted a provision in the text for a new "low noise mark", showing a tyre with earmuffs if the noise level is below 68 decibels (C1), 69 decibels (C2 tyres) or 70 decibels (C3 tyres).
Europe must deliver a common immigration policy, say MEPs
The European Parliament is proposing a blue-print for a common policy on European immigration. The report recognises the importance of legal immigration, in the face of Europe's ageing population and declining workforce, but also urges Member States to jointly tackle the problems caused by illegal immigration. They also propose to reinforce migrant's rights, by allowing them to vote in local elections.
MEPs describe immigration as "one of the foremost challenges that Europe is currently facing", and believe that it will remain a significant challenge for the coming decades. Furthermore, a common approach to immigration is vital as shared European borders mean that "action or inaction by one Member State has a direct impact on others and on the EU as a whole." If migration is poorly managed, it will not only have a negative impact on the countries of destination but also to the countries of origin and the migrants themselves.
The European Parliament adopted an own-initiative report drafted by Simon Busuttil (EPP-ED, MT) on Wednesday, by 485 votes in favour, 110 against and 19 abstentions.
Migrants have always played "a vital role in the development of the EU", and the report stresses the importance of recognising their past and continuing contribution. Therefore, Europe should continue to be a welcoming environment for migrants; especially as, according to Eurostat statistics, the European working age population is expected to fall by 50 million workers by 2060. Well managed immigration could help to provide crucial economic stimulus to the EU in the coming years.
MEPs call for Member States to maintain minimum stocks of crude oil
Crude oil is one of the main energy sources of the EU, and is likely continue to be for several decades. The Commission estimates that in 2030, European demand will be one third higher than it was in 2006, which is of concern as demand was already outstripping supply in 2006. Therefore, the European Parliament is calling on Member States to maintain minimum stocks of crude oil as a barrier to protect against any unexpected cuts in supply.
MEPs are concerned that a sudden shortage of crude oil could be extremely damaging to the economies of Member States, and that could also "compromise" national military capabilities. The risk of an unexpected shortage of oil has increased in recent years due to increasing global demands, the concentration of oil supplies in often unstable areas and decreasing resources within the European Union. In light of this, the report drafted by Miloslav Ransdorf (GUE/NGL, CZ) calls for increased energy security and more effective monitoring of oil stocks in the EU. The report was adopted with 629 votes in favour, 24 against and 8 abstentions.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Another Environmental Barbarity by the PP
Los Verdes of Orihuela consider that it is totally unacceptable that on the 3rd March 2009 the ruling PP government team assigned the plot of land registered as I-EQ-1 within the PAU-26 Sector 2 “Los Almendricos” of Orihuela Costa, to UTE-SUFI-LIASUR-GOBANCAST, the new company which won the contract for the collection, treatment, transport and elimination of urban rubbish within the Orihuela Municipality, to enable the construction of an Eco-park and associated services, including buildings, on the parcel of land, in accordance with clause 8 of the conditions of the contract.
The facility (Eco-park) will occupy an area of approximately 15,000 sq. mtrs. of which 1,500 will be used for buildings, including storage and offices.

The plot (I-EQ-1) is located on the border of the Entre Golf housing complex, between it and the AP-7 Motorway with only the width of a road between it and the residential housing!

Los Verdes respect the value of this wooded area, shown in the attached photographs, which is in front of a substantial housing estate, as an accustic barrier, because of its geographical layout and the height of the trees, against the traffic noise from the AP-7 Motorway. Its industrial use (Eco-park) would necessitate the removal of the trees and alteration of the lie of the land. This would be detrimental to the wellbeing of the residents of the area.
The nuisance effects of the construction and subsequent continual daily operation of the Eco-park (noise, traffic movement and the volume of large vehicles, fumes, rubbish) on the residents of the area, some as close as 50 metres to the complex, will be detrimental to their quality of family life. Within a distance of less than 75 metres of the proposed industrial developement is a childrens recreation park with seating area!
Likewise it must also be taken into consideration that the adjacent plot of land, some 15,517 sq mtrs, which is the designated green zone of PAU 3 (exchanged with PAU-26), is being illegally used as a transition point for rubbish by the current company Colsur SL. This area is already devoid of trees, and the environment destroyed, and therefore more readily available to be used as the Eco-park complex if it really has to go in this area.

Therefore Los Verdes request the Council that an exchange is made between the use of the two plots of land, in that the PAU-26 area is used for the Eco-park and that the parcel I-EQ-1 is designated as a green zone to avoid another disaster for the environment. At least by leaving this plot in it's natural state it would it would act as a protective shield between the homes and the Eco-park!
The facility (Eco-park) will occupy an area of approximately 15,000 sq. mtrs. of which 1,500 will be used for buildings, including storage and offices.

The plot (I-EQ-1) is located on the border of the Entre Golf housing complex, between it and the AP-7 Motorway with only the width of a road between it and the residential housing!

Los Verdes respect the value of this wooded area, shown in the attached photographs, which is in front of a substantial housing estate, as an accustic barrier, because of its geographical layout and the height of the trees, against the traffic noise from the AP-7 Motorway. Its industrial use (Eco-park) would necessitate the removal of the trees and alteration of the lie of the land. This would be detrimental to the wellbeing of the residents of the area.
The nuisance effects of the construction and subsequent continual daily operation of the Eco-park (noise, traffic movement and the volume of large vehicles, fumes, rubbish) on the residents of the area, some as close as 50 metres to the complex, will be detrimental to their quality of family life. Within a distance of less than 75 metres of the proposed industrial developement is a childrens recreation park with seating area!
Likewise it must also be taken into consideration that the adjacent plot of land, some 15,517 sq mtrs, which is the designated green zone of PAU 3 (exchanged with PAU-26), is being illegally used as a transition point for rubbish by the current company Colsur SL. This area is already devoid of trees, and the environment destroyed, and therefore more readily available to be used as the Eco-park complex if it really has to go in this area.

Therefore Los Verdes request the Council that an exchange is made between the use of the two plots of land, in that the PAU-26 area is used for the Eco-park and that the parcel I-EQ-1 is designated as a green zone to avoid another disaster for the environment. At least by leaving this plot in it's natural state it would it would act as a protective shield between the homes and the Eco-park!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Opponents of GM crops protest in Spain
Thousands of people have taken to the streets of the Spanish city of Zaragoza calling for a ban on the use of genetically modified crops.
They want their government to follow Germany’s lead in banning GM maize. Berlin’s action is against EU rulings that the biotech grain is safe.
The use of GMOs in agriculture is a hugely controversial issue across the EU. Opponents say there are health concerns to be addressed while supporters say it is a perfectly safe and efficient way of meeting Europe’s food needs.
Zaragoza is a major centre of GM research and production. Forty percent of 80,000 hectares devoted to GM maize in Spain are in the Zaragoza region.
They want their government to follow Germany’s lead in banning GM maize. Berlin’s action is against EU rulings that the biotech grain is safe.
The use of GMOs in agriculture is a hugely controversial issue across the EU. Opponents say there are health concerns to be addressed while supporters say it is a perfectly safe and efficient way of meeting Europe’s food needs.
Zaragoza is a major centre of GM research and production. Forty percent of 80,000 hectares devoted to GM maize in Spain are in the Zaragoza region.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Los Verdes Surgery - 29th April 2009
The fourth surgery of 2009 to be held by Councillor Monserrate Guillén, Los Verdes Councillor for the Coast, will be held on the Wednesday 29th April 2009 from 10.00 am to 12.30 pm at the Emerald Isle in La Florida in Orihuela Costa.
This is the opportunity for any residents of the coast to discuss their individual problems directly with their Councillor irrespective of which party they support.
As all the previous surgeries have been very busy, if someone wants to ask for a specific time, to reduce waiting, they should contact us by email at either, or telephone 686717273 to request a time if it's still available.
We provide translation facilities for English, French, German and Swedish into Spanish during the surgery.
The FREE Starter Kits, available for the People's 'Litter Pick-up' as part of the 'Clean up the Costa' campaign, will be available for collection during the surgery times from any of the Los Verdes members present.
It is also the opportunity to discuss the 'Dignity for the Disabled' campaign.
This is the opportunity for any residents of the coast to discuss their individual problems directly with their Councillor irrespective of which party they support.
As all the previous surgeries have been very busy, if someone wants to ask for a specific time, to reduce waiting, they should contact us by email at either, or telephone 686717273 to request a time if it's still available.
We provide translation facilities for English, French, German and Swedish into Spanish during the surgery.
The FREE Starter Kits, available for the People's 'Litter Pick-up' as part of the 'Clean up the Costa' campaign, will be available for collection during the surgery times from any of the Los Verdes members present.
It is also the opportunity to discuss the 'Dignity for the Disabled' campaign.
Highlights of the Strasbourg plenary session 21-24 April 2009
This week is the penultimate plenary session of the European Parliament (21-24 April 2009) before the European elections on the 4-7 June 2009. The MEPs face a packed agenda during the session and I highlight here a few of the matters for discussion.
Safer and easier e-money transactions
The offer of e-money services should be enhanced by boosting innovation and improving consumers' confidence with a legislative report put forward by John PURVIS (EPP-ED, UK) for the Economics Committee. Updating the existing legislation on e-money business to achieve a true single market allowing this industry to expand is the objective of the report.
Electricity and gas market: MEPs to debate and vote on deal with Council Presidency
Europe's electricity and gas markets will be further liberalised while the rights of energy consumers are strengthened. Parliament will debate and vote on a wide-ranging package of energy market legislation.
Charges for calling, texting and mobile internet surfing
Charges for calling, texting and mobile internet surfing will be cut from 1 July 2009. MEPs negotiated a compromise with the Czech Presidency on the extension of the 2007 which will be debated and voted on in Strasbourg. The informal compromise negotiated by Industry Committee MEPs with the Czech Presidency still needs to be backed by the whole Parliament and the Council of Ministers.
Tyre labels to show fuel efficiency, safety and noise
Tyre buyers will be better informed about their fuel-efficiency, safety and noise performance thanks to a mandatory tyre label proposal put forward by the Industry Committee. Like the European energy label, the tyre label will use fuel-efficiency classes ranging from best-performance (green “A” class) to worst (red “G” class). It will also show the tyre's wet grip and noise performance.
Nuclear safety measures in the EU must be improved, say MEPs
The Committee on Industry, Research and Energy is backing a report from the Commission/Council which is calling for an EU-wide nuclear safety framework, based on the principles of the International Atomic Energy Agency. According to the report, drafted by Gunnar HÖKMARK (EPP-ED, FI), nuclear installations should be operated so as "to achieve the highest safety standards that can reasonably be achieved taking into account economical and social factors."
Report calls for Member States to maintain minimum stocks of crude oil
MEPs are concerned that a sudden shortage of crude oil - one of the main energy sources of the EU - could be extremely damaging to the economies of Member States, and that could also "compromise" national military capabilities. The risk of an unexpected shortage of oil has increased in recent years due to increasing global demands, the concentration of oil supplies in often unstable areas and decreasing resources within the European Union. In light of this, the report drafted by Miloslav RANSDORF (GUE/NGL, CZ) calls for increased energy security and more effective monitoring of oil stocks in the EU.
Clearing away the obstacles to cross-border healthcare
The general aim of the draft directive on cross-border healthcare is to ensure that there are no obstacles to patients who seek treatment in a Member State other than their own. It also clarifies the right to be reimbursed after a treatment in another Member State. These rights have been confirmed in European Court of Justice Judgments but are not yet included in EU legislation. The directive also aims to ensure high-quality, safe and efficient healthcare and to establish healthcare co-operation mechanisms among Member States. Parliament will vote at first reading on plans to give patients the right to seek healthcare abroad more easily and be reimbursed for the costs. The Environment and Public Health Committee's report also calls for patients to be properly informed about their rights when treated outside their home Member State.
War on hospital bugs
The Environment, Public Health and Food Safety Committee is urging Parliament to back measures designed to reduce the millions of infections picked up by patients in hospitals each year. The recruitment of specialised nurses, better education, support for research and better information for patients are among the measures proposed. Patient safety is of increasing concern in healthcare systems everywhere. The most common problems are healthcare associated infections, medication-related events and complications during or after operations. Many such problems could be avoided fairly easily.
Action plan for urban mobility
Sixty per cent of Europeans lived in urban areas in 2005, and that number will rise to eighty per cent in 2020, making urban transport a major component of goods and passenger transport in Europe. A significant proportion of greenhouse gases are generated by road traffic in urban areas. Parliament will vote on a report by the Transport Committee that seeks to prompt EU action on problems relating to urban mobility such as congestion and pollution.
New rights for bus, coach and ship passengers
Parliament will vote at first reading on two regulations designed to replicate for bus, coach and ship passengers certain rights already granted to air travellers under EU rules. There will be stricter rules on compensation for delays and cancellations and on payments in the event of accidents and assistance for disabled passengers. The Transport Committee is tabling the two reports, one by Gabriele ALBERTINI (EPP-ED, IT) on rights of bus and coach passengers, the other by Michel TEYCHENNÉ (PES, FR) on the rights of passengers travelling by sea and inland waterway.
Deforestation and forest degradation
Recent studies show that there is potential for reducing global greenhouse emissions by 40 % by 2030 and that, at a cost of less than half of one percent of global GDP, wind, solar and other sustainable renewable energies could provide almost a third of total global power needs; whereas energy efficiency could reduce greenhouse gas emissions by more than a quarter and whereas deforestation could be almost halted. Parliament will debate the challenges of deforestation and forest degradation to tackle climate change and biodiversity loss following a statement from the Commission. MEPs will also vote on a resolution on this topic.
Strengthening the fight against nuclear proliferation
The next Review Conference of the Treaty on Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) is scheduled for 2010, and according to MEPs, it should be a chance to put the production, use and disarmament of nuclear weapons under the control of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in Vienna. The conference also presents an opportunity to reach a consensus on a treaty to end the production of fissile material for military purposes.
Europe must deliver a common immigration policy, say MEPs
An own-initiative report by Simon BUSUTTIL (EPP-ED, MT) is proposing a blue-print for a common policy on European immigration. The report recognises the importance of legal immigration, in the face of Europe's ageing population and declining workforce, but also urges Member States to jointly tackle the problems caused by illegal immigration.
MEPs call for stricter legislation to protect citizens from the effects of profiling
At a time when our personal data is accumulating on the internet and in data-bases, a Parliamentary report, drafted by Sarah LUDFORD(ALDE, UK), warns against the dangers of 'profiling' of European citizens on the basis of criteria such as ethnicity, religion, gender or age, especially by the police. MEPs are warning against the excesses of the system and call on Member States to shed light onto these practices.
Safer and easier e-money transactions
The offer of e-money services should be enhanced by boosting innovation and improving consumers' confidence with a legislative report put forward by John PURVIS (EPP-ED, UK) for the Economics Committee. Updating the existing legislation on e-money business to achieve a true single market allowing this industry to expand is the objective of the report.
Electricity and gas market: MEPs to debate and vote on deal with Council Presidency
Europe's electricity and gas markets will be further liberalised while the rights of energy consumers are strengthened. Parliament will debate and vote on a wide-ranging package of energy market legislation.
Charges for calling, texting and mobile internet surfing
Charges for calling, texting and mobile internet surfing will be cut from 1 July 2009. MEPs negotiated a compromise with the Czech Presidency on the extension of the 2007 which will be debated and voted on in Strasbourg. The informal compromise negotiated by Industry Committee MEPs with the Czech Presidency still needs to be backed by the whole Parliament and the Council of Ministers.
Tyre labels to show fuel efficiency, safety and noise
Tyre buyers will be better informed about their fuel-efficiency, safety and noise performance thanks to a mandatory tyre label proposal put forward by the Industry Committee. Like the European energy label, the tyre label will use fuel-efficiency classes ranging from best-performance (green “A” class) to worst (red “G” class). It will also show the tyre's wet grip and noise performance.
Nuclear safety measures in the EU must be improved, say MEPs
The Committee on Industry, Research and Energy is backing a report from the Commission/Council which is calling for an EU-wide nuclear safety framework, based on the principles of the International Atomic Energy Agency. According to the report, drafted by Gunnar HÖKMARK (EPP-ED, FI), nuclear installations should be operated so as "to achieve the highest safety standards that can reasonably be achieved taking into account economical and social factors."
Report calls for Member States to maintain minimum stocks of crude oil
MEPs are concerned that a sudden shortage of crude oil - one of the main energy sources of the EU - could be extremely damaging to the economies of Member States, and that could also "compromise" national military capabilities. The risk of an unexpected shortage of oil has increased in recent years due to increasing global demands, the concentration of oil supplies in often unstable areas and decreasing resources within the European Union. In light of this, the report drafted by Miloslav RANSDORF (GUE/NGL, CZ) calls for increased energy security and more effective monitoring of oil stocks in the EU.
Clearing away the obstacles to cross-border healthcare
The general aim of the draft directive on cross-border healthcare is to ensure that there are no obstacles to patients who seek treatment in a Member State other than their own. It also clarifies the right to be reimbursed after a treatment in another Member State. These rights have been confirmed in European Court of Justice Judgments but are not yet included in EU legislation. The directive also aims to ensure high-quality, safe and efficient healthcare and to establish healthcare co-operation mechanisms among Member States. Parliament will vote at first reading on plans to give patients the right to seek healthcare abroad more easily and be reimbursed for the costs. The Environment and Public Health Committee's report also calls for patients to be properly informed about their rights when treated outside their home Member State.
War on hospital bugs
The Environment, Public Health and Food Safety Committee is urging Parliament to back measures designed to reduce the millions of infections picked up by patients in hospitals each year. The recruitment of specialised nurses, better education, support for research and better information for patients are among the measures proposed. Patient safety is of increasing concern in healthcare systems everywhere. The most common problems are healthcare associated infections, medication-related events and complications during or after operations. Many such problems could be avoided fairly easily.
Action plan for urban mobility
Sixty per cent of Europeans lived in urban areas in 2005, and that number will rise to eighty per cent in 2020, making urban transport a major component of goods and passenger transport in Europe. A significant proportion of greenhouse gases are generated by road traffic in urban areas. Parliament will vote on a report by the Transport Committee that seeks to prompt EU action on problems relating to urban mobility such as congestion and pollution.
New rights for bus, coach and ship passengers
Parliament will vote at first reading on two regulations designed to replicate for bus, coach and ship passengers certain rights already granted to air travellers under EU rules. There will be stricter rules on compensation for delays and cancellations and on payments in the event of accidents and assistance for disabled passengers. The Transport Committee is tabling the two reports, one by Gabriele ALBERTINI (EPP-ED, IT) on rights of bus and coach passengers, the other by Michel TEYCHENNÉ (PES, FR) on the rights of passengers travelling by sea and inland waterway.
Deforestation and forest degradation
Recent studies show that there is potential for reducing global greenhouse emissions by 40 % by 2030 and that, at a cost of less than half of one percent of global GDP, wind, solar and other sustainable renewable energies could provide almost a third of total global power needs; whereas energy efficiency could reduce greenhouse gas emissions by more than a quarter and whereas deforestation could be almost halted. Parliament will debate the challenges of deforestation and forest degradation to tackle climate change and biodiversity loss following a statement from the Commission. MEPs will also vote on a resolution on this topic.
Strengthening the fight against nuclear proliferation
The next Review Conference of the Treaty on Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) is scheduled for 2010, and according to MEPs, it should be a chance to put the production, use and disarmament of nuclear weapons under the control of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in Vienna. The conference also presents an opportunity to reach a consensus on a treaty to end the production of fissile material for military purposes.
Europe must deliver a common immigration policy, say MEPs
An own-initiative report by Simon BUSUTTIL (EPP-ED, MT) is proposing a blue-print for a common policy on European immigration. The report recognises the importance of legal immigration, in the face of Europe's ageing population and declining workforce, but also urges Member States to jointly tackle the problems caused by illegal immigration.
MEPs call for stricter legislation to protect citizens from the effects of profiling
At a time when our personal data is accumulating on the internet and in data-bases, a Parliamentary report, drafted by Sarah LUDFORD(ALDE, UK), warns against the dangers of 'profiling' of European citizens on the basis of criteria such as ethnicity, religion, gender or age, especially by the police. MEPs are warning against the excesses of the system and call on Member States to shed light onto these practices.
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