Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Campoamor Market is Moving!
It was also confirmed that those market traders (mostly English) who had sought the help from Los Verdes to obtain a stall will be allocated a pitch at the new location and each stall holder will receive written notification of their positions in the relocated market.
Town Council Meeting - 23rd December 2008
The 10th December 2008 was the 60th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. For this reason Los Verdes presented a motion that the Town Council of Orihuela agree to do everything within it's powers to comply with the values enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Similarly to agrees to make available all means possible, to comply with the Declaration, to provide the citizens of the Orihuela Municipality with the maximum guaranteed standards possible in respect of quality of life, health, equality, employment, economic, social participation and safeguarding the Environment. The motion was extended by the input of the P P to include the protection of children, women and those persecuted for political reasons and religious contributions. The motion presented by Los Verdes,with the addition, was agreed unanimously by all members of the Council.
Los Verdes voted with the opposition, in favour of the motion on the PSOE's proposal to declare of Cultural Interest (BIC) the Huerta of the municipality of Orihuela, an idea that emerges from the Dobris Report of the European Union, which highlighted the Huerta of Orihuela along with six other areas of the continent. The motion also asked to be sought from the Valencia plan of action and territorial protection, as was previously the Huerta of Valencia. The motion was rejected with a vote against the Popular Party majority (14 votes against and 11 in favour).
Friday, December 26, 2008
Environment crimes directive enters into force
Europeanvoice.comDischarging poisonous substances into the air, dumping toxic waste and trading in protected birds or animals, come one step closer to being criminal offences across the EU today (26 December), as a law on environmental crimes comes into force.
From today the EU's 27 member states will have two years to come up with “effective, proportionate and dissuasive criminal penalties” against people responsible for pollution that causes death, serious injury or major damage to the environment. Companies will be held liable for acts committed by people they employ.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
EU leaders in shameful retreat on climate package:
The following Press Release was issued by the European Green Party on the 11th December.
The Spokespersons of the European Green Party have said that the climate and energy package agreed by the EU heads of government and state at their summit in Brussels today is a watered-down compromise which shows a woeful lack of ambition.
EGP Co-Spokesperson Ulrike Lunacek said : "This could have been one of the most memorable days in the history of the EU if the governments meeting in Brussels had lived up to their commitments to combat climate change and showed by their actions that they were up to the huge challenge posed by climate change . The reality though is that the EU's member states have once again succumbed to the pressure exerted by big industry and put short-sighted national interests ahead of the future of our planet and humanity. The EU has set an appalling example to the rest of the world, particularly at a time when the negotiators meeting in Poznan at the UN climate conference were hoping that the EU would present a strong and effective package which would encourage other countries, particularly emerging countries, to play their part. We are particularly disappointed by the exceptions that have been made for several industrial sectors from the auctioning of emissions permits under the emissions trading schemes. We also disagree completely with the unethical and counterproductive decision to increase the levels of external offsetting so that industries and countries will be allowed to outsource a large percentage of their emissions reductions to countries outside the EU. It now falls to the European Parliament's negotiators to salvage as much as they can from the package before it is presented for a final vote by Parliament next week."
EGP Co-Spokesperson Philippe Lamberts continued: "One of the few real achievements of this Summit is the decision to endorse this week's agreement on EU legislation on renewable energies. Greens, particularly our colleagues in the Greens/EFA Group in the European Parliament, fought hard to ensure that this legislation will ensure major investment and job creation in one of the key industries of the future. In terms of the economic recovery package agreed on today, we Greens would have gone for a much more comprehensive and far reaching package and so will continue to argue for a real Green New Deal for Europe, which will both combat climate change and stimulate economic growth, creating millions of "green collar "jobs in the renewables sector and other areas of the green economy. It is important to stress that in our view, a stimulus package should be investment-based, not consumption based. As for the Irish Government's decision to hold a second referendum on the Lisbon Treaty, we hope that this will lead to the speedy ratification of the Lisbon Treaty so that the EU can move forward and that all our citizens can benefit from the advances that the Treaty, while being far from perfect, would bring
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Town Council Meeting - 25.11.2008
At the full monthly meeting of the Orihuela Town Council (Pleno) held on Tuesday 25th November the following points which affect Orihuela Costa were discussed.
The ruling Partido Popular finally adopted the partial plan for the development land within the PAU 7 area of Villa Martin for the building of 2570 new homes including 650 social housing properties. The 14 PP Councillors of course voted in favour of the proposition whereas the 11 Opposition (PSOE, Los Verdes and Centro Liberal Renovador) Councillors voted against it. The contra arguments put forward by the Opposition were that there is no market demand for the additional houses and that there is insufficient water supply available to service them. Los Verdes put forward the additional argument that this is not the correct location to put this number of homes for social housing. It will create a ghetto style environment.
There was an unanimous approval by all Councillors of the Territorial Emergency Plan for Orihuela.This is to cover the procedures and services to be adopted within the Municipality in the case of major emergency situations including natural disasters and the like. With such a large population in Orihuela Costa it is important that there is a clearly defined proceed of coordination of emergency services and contact points to help the citizens at such a time. Los Verdes will ask that an information leaflet is published in Spanish and English for public distribution.
Los Verdes presented a written question to the Council meeting in respect of the possible felling of approximately 42 mediterranean pine trees and 20 palms in the Punta Prima urbanisation adjacent to the Cala Mosca development. The PP Councillor for Urbanisation, Sr. Barberá confirmed to the Council that the existing trees will be respected and that the proposed road system will be adapted to accommodate them. The pressure of the residents and the action of Los Verdes has resulted in the saving of the 40 year old pine trees and the palms.
Los Verdes asked during the verbal question time of the meeting, about the continued delay in the publication of the public information leaflets about the two new Bye-laws in respect of the 'Ownership and Protection of Animals' and the 'Regulation for the cleaning of the Municipality and the Management of Urban Services and Waste' It was pointed out that the PP governing team agreed several months ago that these leaflets would be produced in three languages, Spanish, English and German, but that they have not honoured their words as the leaflets are still not available.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Change of Surgery Date - 3rd December 2008
The next surgery has therefore been rescheduled to take place on the 3rd December 2008 at the Celtic Isle in Playa Flamenca from 10.00 am until 12.30 pm.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Cala Mosca Pines Threatened

Los Verdes of Orihuela have registered a question for the next regular Town Council meeting (Pleno), with regard to the likely felling of trees that, once again, and in an indiscriminate way, is wanted to be carried out in the urbanization of Punta Prima, in Orihuela Costa.
The Municipal Group of Los Verdes has known that in the urbanization of Punta Prima is an area of pine trees, some of which are more than forty years old, which will affect the proceedings of the construction company that is developing La Cala Mosca and limit it. In fact, some pine trees have been felled, according to information from residents of the urbanisation. It is not the first time this has happened. There was an attempt to remove the trees toward the end of last summer. Los Verdes brought this fact to the attention of the Councillor for Urban Planning. The response at that time was that he was not going to let the existing pines be affected by the development action.
Los Verdes did not mistrust the response of the Councillor for Urbanism at the time, but it seems that the construction company has recently registered a document with the City Council to seek authorization for the cutting down of all the pines.
At the moment 42 tall pines and about 20 small palms remain. It is clear that the developer wants to take advantage of the width of the existing street of Punta Prima to make a single avenue of 15 to 20 meters, including pavements, and the trees are a problem.
Understanding this fact, if it is correct and it happens, it would violate the rights of the neighbours to respect the environment in which they have lived for many years and that it would destroy the unique vegetation that remains in this area following the barbarity that is leading to end of Cala Mosca, with the blessing of the City Council.
Los Verdes believe that it (the council) should not allow the announced tree felling, and to the contrary, to replant trees to replace those that have already been cut, with a call for the punishment for the developer as set out in the rules of the General Building Plan of Orihuela.
Therefore the Municipal Group of Los Verdes will ask at the Town Council meeting what action the governing PP Council intends to take to prevent the felling of this area of pines. Moreover, it has been asked by the neighbours affected whether at this point in time the Council has carried out an environmental report that would justify some sort of action on this matter, so that there is no doubt in this regard

Monday, November 17, 2008
Los Verdes Surgery - 26th November
As all the previous surgeries have been very busy, if someone wants to ask for a specific time, to reduce waiting, they should contact us by email at either, or telephone 965319660 to request a time if it's available.
We provide translation facilties for English, French, German and Swedish into Spanish during the surgery.
The FREE Starter Kits, available for the People's 'Litter Pick-up' as part of the 'Clean up the Costa' campaign, will be available for collection during the surgery times from any of the Los Verdes members present.
Friday, November 7, 2008
The value of the card is that it has the opportunity to offer two distinct beneficial uses to the citizens of the Orihuela Municipality.
In the first place the card could be used as the key to access council information and services via the internet or customer service point facilities within Council premises. This would work in two directions, with information being available for viewing and downloading, and conversely for uploading information to enable updating of personal details including application forms where needed. The only limitations would be dependant on the level of service offered by the Council in relation to the necessary modernization of the administrative services it is prepared to offer it's citizens.
The second major area of use is in relation to the access of public facilities and services such as municipal library, swimming pool, museums, car parking, and public transport. The card would offer both a method of identification and payment where required. There would be the facility to charge the card with a monetary value at Council ATM machines, situated at various locations throughout the municipality, and then the credit balance used for the payment of any fees, charges, or fares that may be due.
It would be a card for personal use and not transferable, with a magnetic stripe, which would replace other existing identification systems, such as library card or the subscriber to the municipal swimming pools or civic centres. The card would be essential to use these services and to access all the others. In some towns there is an additional benefit of discount being offered by some retailers to shoppers who are holders of the card.
The Citizen Card would be supplied to permanent and temporary residents free of charge by the Council, and there would be no annual or commission charges associated with it. The Scheme is provided and controlled solely by the Ayuntamiento with no involvement of banks.
Los Verdes urge the governing PP Council to introduce the Citizen Card as a step forward in the modernization of the municipal government, so as to offer the citizens an open and transparent system of government, something that they have a right to but have not seen up to this time.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Bye-Law finally available on Orihuela Ayuntamiento Website
Unfortunately the Town Hall has still not made available the information leaflets about the new law, in English & Spanish, that have been promised although we have been advised that they (the leaflets) should be issued in the next few weeks.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
It's your Money - Participate
Los Verdes believe that it is essential that there is the facility for citizens to participate in the preparation of the municipal budgets, so as to include the needs and concerns of it's inhabitants. We advocate the system for a Participatory Budget similar to those prepared in other Spanish towns, where it is regulated that the residents can contribute in the preparations of the financial budgets.
The citizens pay the taxes so they should have a say how the money collected is spent.
Los Verdes want the inhabitants to be consulted and given the opportunity to contribute ideas for spending their money, on issues that really need it, and not as now where the PP ruling Councillors systematically ignore the views of the tax payers in favour of expenditure to maintain their (PP) political image.
Los Verdes of Orihuela have launched a campaign entitled
“It's your Money – Participate”
to collect suggestions from all the citizens of the Orihuela Municipality for the preparation of the council Budget for 2009.
During the month of November, and up to the final meeting of the Information Committee, prior to the presentation of the Budgets to the Town Council, Los Verdes will provide facilities to the citizens to enable them to participate in the development of the Budgets by forwarding their ideas. The suggestions received will be collated and, where possible, will be put forward as amendments to the draft budgets of the government team of the PP, prior to the December council meeting.
This is the opportunity for the residents of Orihuela Costa to express their views on those items that they feel are needed on the coast, and that should be included within the Budgets for 2009. These can be matters relating to cultural, social, health, transport, environment, and civic facilities that have an effect on the quality of peoples lives.
To help and encourage the residents living in Orihuela Costa to participate, Los Verdes are providing local methods of contact for putting forward their suggestions. They can be sent by email to or , or given by telephone to 965319660 (English) and 965328190 (Multilingual), or by visiting the surgeries held in Orihuela Costa by Monserrate Guillén, Los Verdes Councillor for the Coast during November (details of the next surgery Los Verdes Surgery - 29th October), or by using the comments facility on this Blog.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Los Verdes Surgery - 29th October
As all the previous surgeries have been very busy, if someone wants to ask for a specific time, to reduce waiting, they should contact us by email at either or , or telephone 965319660 to request a time if it's available.
We provide translation facilties for English, French, German and Swedish into Spanish during the surgery.
The FREE Starter Kits, available for the People's 'Litter Pick-up' as part of the 'Clean up the Costa' campaign, will be available for collection during the surgery times from any of the Los Verdes members present.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Market forces at work in Campoamor
The following article appeared in the Costa Blanc News on Friday 1oth october 2008.
Monserrate Guillén has had a preliminary meeting with councillor José Manuel Cutillas, and the council member of staff responsible for the allocation of pitches at the market, to discuss the problems and possible solutions in relation to the market's future, that is referred to in the article.
Market forces at work in Campoamor
Laws to legalise car boot sales planned
By Nuria Pérez
According to the councillor they are looking at moving the market to a different area or allowing additional stalls.
And he admitted it was not proving as popular and busy as predicted.
He said: “Stalls offering different and original products are needed to attract more visitors.”
As a result the councillor is encouraging such traders to apply for a stall.
He added: “We will make a decision on December about how to promote the market.
"Campoamor market has many stalls of clothes and fruit and vegetables and it needs different products.
“We will check all applications and those traders offering something different will have a better chance of getting a stall.”
Several residents talked to Green party (Los Verdes) councillor Monserrate Guillén on Tuesday about the apparent unavailability of stalls being allocated.
Sr Guillén said he would meet councillor José Manuel Cutillas in the coming weeks to find a solution.
He said: “Sr Cutillas is really interested in promoting the market and in finding a good and suitable solution.
“However we think December is too late.
“A good variety of goods attract visitors and visitors attract more traders.”
According to Sr Guillén only 30 traders set up every Thursday in Campoamor even though more than 80 have been handed licences.
He added: “The traders lose their licence if they are missing for four weeks.”
When applying for a licence new traders should specify which goods they will be offering.
“I advise them to offer different goods to fruit and vegetables and clothes,” he added.
And in another development this week Sr Cutillas told CBNews the council is studying possibilities to legalise car boot sales.
He explained: “Car boot sales are a British tradition and they are pretty difficult to rule on because they are an unknown entity in Spanish law.
“Streets markets are ruled by local bylaws but this is not the case for car boot sales.
“We need to find or to create a special law to regulate them.
“Car boot sales must be respected must they must obey the law too.”
Sr Guillén said they would cooperate with the councillor in this matter.
He said: “Car boot sales cannot take place on the streets.
“We will suggest that they are held in special and safe places.”
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Campoamor Market Dominates Surgery

This matter was dealt with as a group discussion, so that Monserrate Guillén could gain information on both specific cases of applications for stalls, and the overall opinion about the current situation and suggestions for securing the future of the market. Louise Clarke from the Round Town News paper was present for this part of the meeting.
Several of the traders were advised and assisted in the completion of fresh applications for stalls where necessary, whilst others provided copies of applications already submitted. It was made clear to applicants for stalls by Councillor Guillén that whilst he was not directly involved in the allocation of spaces he would do his utmost on their behalf to seek for a successful conclusion to their application.
Everyone present agreed it was very important to see the survival and growth of a vibrant market at Campoamor in which an extensive variety of goods were available from a wide spectrum of traders. The commitment of the Los Verdes of Orihuela party to work for this aim was strongly re-affirmed.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Los Verdes concerns about the Campoamor Market
Several people took the opportunity to talk to the representatives, of Los Verdes, about their concerns in respect of the management of the market in relation to the method of allocation of spaces, the number of continuing empty spaces, and the low numbers of the public attending each week.
It was confirmed that this is a matter of great concern to Los Verdes, who have been monitoring the actual situation over the past few weeks with visits to the market to collect relevant information. As a result, the party has been able to help one trader in the quest to successfully obtain a space at the market.
Several traders, both current and hopeful stall holders were given appointments to meet Councillor Monserrate Guillén, Councillor for the Coast, at the next Los Verdes surgery, to be held at the Celtic Isle on the 7th October, to discuss their concerns.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Los Verdes Surgery – Victim of own Success
Unfortunately this means that the fortnightly Los Verdes surgeries with Clr. Guillén will not be able to be held on Wednesdays, as in the past. The Los Verdes surgery is ‘a victim of its own success’ to use a well known phrase
The surgery planned and announced for the 1st October 2008 has therefore regrettably had to be changed to Tuesday 7th October 2008, being the first day Monserrate Guillén is available. The new extended hours from 10.00 am to 12.30 pm will apply.
The final choice of the future regular day will be announced after the next surgery.
The FREE Starter Kits, available for the People's 'Litter Pick-up' as part of the 'Clean up the Costa' campaign, will be available for collection during the surgery from any of the Los Verdes members present.
As all the previous surgeries have been very busy, if someone wants to ask for a specific time, to reduce waiting, they should contact us by email at either or to request a time if available.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Los Verdes Plastic Bag Motion Approved.

On the 7th August I posted the article “Plans to ban Plastic Bags for 2010 in which I reported that Los Verdes had filed a motion to be debated at the next Town Council meeting, referring to the alarming and continuous use of plastic bags, without taking into account the indications that come from almost all administrations divulging information on measures to combat climate change. We pointed out that this Council can not and must not turn it's back on the serious environmental issues.
At the Pleno (Full Town Council meeting) held on Tuesday the 16th September the Motion was presented for discussion.
• The City Council, established jointly with local businesses a campaign aimed at consumers, which has as its ultimate goal to limit the use of plastic bags to be in compliance in a phased manner to the National Waste Plan.
• Request that through the local Chamber of Commerce it will study the feasibility and economic viability of a campaign of distributing reusable bags in each and every local businesses so as to minimize the use of plastic bags coupled with the promotion of local commerce.
• That this administration claims from the Central Spanish Government and from the Provincial Government of Valencia, financial help that is availbale, to promote the use of alternatives to plastic bags.
• That details of the contents of this motion and the agreements reached are made known to the authorities and administrations cited in the proposal.
Los Verdes are very pleased to announce that the Council voted unanimously to adopt the motion in entirety as presented. This is a tremendous success in the continual steps that the party takes to ensure that the Council takes account of and acts on measures necessary to protect the environment.
We will monitor the performance of the ruling PP Council to ensure it honours it's responsibility to carry out the actions required within this approved Motion.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Blue Lagoon, Orihuela Costa – Water Connection.

Aguagest analysis of charges. Click on image for enlargement.
In order to help clarify the situation with regards the choice the residents of the section of Blue Lagoon that is within Orihuela Costa have in respect of a new water supply, Los Verdes Councillor for the Coast, Monserrate Guillén has had discussions with both Aguaqest and Councillor Jose Antonio Aniorte, PP Councillor for the coast.
We have obtained a copy of the quote of the cost to the owners of the properties, recently designated as within Orihuela Municipality, for connecting to the new Aquagest water supply if they wish to.
As a result of discussions between Clr Aniorte and Clr Monserrate Guillen we can confirm the cost to the owners of any change.
The council have agreed that the repair costs to the pavement (demolicion y reposicion de paviemento de acera existente), as shown on the quote, of 50€ plus IVA, 58€ in total will be carried by the Council and not payable by the Resident.
As a result the total charge to the householder will be 626.83€ ( total 668.00 -reduction 58.00 + Tasa Municipal 16.83).
It is understood that the householder can deal with and pay directly to Aquagest, or through the community administrator if he/she wishes. The amount payable is the same whichever option is chosen.
If any owner affected would like a copy of the analysis of costs as shown then the published picture can be downloaded from this blog, or send an email to and I will send a copy.
There is more information in the article by Rececca Griffin in the CoastRider.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Los Verdes Surgery Hours Extended
Having said this, as a direct result of the number of residents wishing to discuss their problem matters with him the hours of the Surgery are being extended. From this next surgery the times will be from 10.00 am to 12.30 pm.
The FREE Starter Kits, available for the People's 'Litter Pick-up' as part of the 'Clean up the Costa' campaign, will be available for collection during the surgery from any of the Los Verdes members present.
As all the previous surgeries have been very busy, If someone wants to ask for a specific time, to reduce waiting, they should contact us by email at either or to request a time if available.
Friday, August 22, 2008
Fifth Los Verdes Surgery in Orihuela Costa
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Plans to Ban Plastic Bags for 2010
The Environment Ministry plans to ban the plastic bag for 2010. Reducing the use of these bags has become a global concern. As a significant figure in China, consumption of plastic bags has reached 3,000 million units per day. In Spain, 10,500 million bags are distributed a year, which means that each inhabitant uses an annual average of 238 units.
Likewise, the Environment Ministry has announced to the plastic industry, supermarkets and various environmental organizations that within the National Plan for Waste it aims to halve the consumption of plastic bags by the year 2009, and prohibit single-use non-biodegradable plastic bags by 2010. This plan reflects the replacement of 70% of plastic bags by other paper before 2015.
On June 23, 2006, manufacturers and traders were committed, in the headquarters of the Ministry of Environment, to adapt the number of bags given to customers to the products purchased, to issue reusable bags and establish awareness campaigns to make a rational use of them. Some supermarkets and shops have begun to introduce some alternatives to plastic bags for the more conscientious customers, such as charging for them, to offer reusable bags, or introduce the biodegradable bag.
Faced with this situation, some municipalities have already started specific actions to make a gradual replacement of the use of plastic for other alternatives, handing out cloth bags for the daily shopping and introduce the biodegradable paper bag.
For this reason, the Municipal Group of Los Verdes ask that our Municipal Council, establish together with the local commerce, a campaign aimed at consumers, which has as its ultimate goal to limit the use of plastic bags, to move gradually towards the National Plan for Waste
Similarly, it is proposed from Los Verdes that, through the Local Chamber of Commerce, the possibility and economic feasibility of making a campaign distributing reusable bags in each and every local businesses that minimize the use of the traditional plastic bags and coupled with boosting local commerce.
Lastly, that this administration claims from the Central Spanish Government and from the Provincial Government of Valencia, financial help that is availbale, to promote the use of alternatives to plastic bags.
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Los Verdes Surgery - Summer Vacation
The fifth surgery will be held in either the first or second week of September, with the exact date being confirmed later, on this Blog.
This does not mean that the Orihuela Costa Working Group is not available to help if a resident has a problem. We can still be contacted by email at either or .
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Fourth Los Verdes Surgery in Orihuela Costa
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Date of Third Surgery
Some of the time slots have already been allocated so if someone coming wants to reduce any waiting time it's best to ask for a free slot. This can be done by emailing
Monday, July 7, 2008
Publication of the Register of Councillor’s Interests
Los Verdes do not consider that it is enough to only register with the General Secretariat of the Council the individual income and possible conflict of interests, but that as so requested by the Ley de Suelo, that these matters are made public knowledge for the sake of the greatest transparency to avoid possible fabrications and present and future corrupt practices, taking into account the current times.
The ‘Ley de Suelo‘, in force since last May, 2007, reads in the Ninth additional provision amending, among others, Article 75.7 of the Code of Local Regime: "Local representatives, as well as non-members elected to the Board of Local Government, make statement on possible causes of conflict and to provide them with any activity or may provide income. Statements were also made of their assets and participation in companies of all kinds, with information of companies owned by them and liquidations of taxes on income, Heritage and, where appropriate, Societies. Such statements, made in the designs approved by the respective full, will take place before the inauguration, on the occasion of cessation and end of the mandate, and when changes the factual circumstances. The annual declarations of assets and activities will be published on an annual basis, and in any case at the time of completion of the mandate, under the terms set by the municipal statute. "
The Orihuela Council, like many others in Spain, does not meet this standard obligation. Neither does it appear that said circumstances are regulated in any municipal regulation or statute. However, this does not prevent the implementation of the aforementioned article of the Act, since there are municipalities, such as Seville or Vigo among others, that give effect to the Act by publishing such a declaration of their assets in their municipal websites.
Therefore, Los Verdes want the Town Council of Orihuela, in the meeting of the Pleno, to agree to the immediate publication, or before the 1st January 2009, the statement of assets and conflicts if any, of Councillors and Asesores (advisers) of this Council on the official municipal website a media that is accessible to all citizens, in compliance with Ley 8 / 2007, del Suelo.
Similarly, that they publish on the Council website, in pursuance of the said Act, the annual declarations of income and assets of the Councillors, Advisers, and non-elected members of the Board of Local Government, if any.
The agreement by the PP ruled Town Council to the open publication of Councillor’s interests would be an important step towards an ‘Open Government‘, a right that Los Verdes strongly believe the Electorate must have.
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Throughout this period of time the Los Verdes municipal party has put forward various initiatives in the Orihuela Town Council such as questions and motions during the meetings of the Pleno, to the I.N.E. (National Institute of Statistics), and before the Committee of Petitions by MEP of the Green Party, David Hammerstein, highlighting the policy of the PP that it considers the foreign Residents as second class citizens.
“Given that lack of identification of houses and public roads causes a serious problem in mail delivery to residents in them, and that as much, the INE as the Central Board of Elections required this Town Council to attack the necessary actions, so that residents of Orihuela Costa normally receive their mail and, specifically, the notifications sent by the INE to the European Residents to exercise their right to vote, and considering that before the forthcoming European elections, the INE will resend by mail to the European residents the option to vote, and that all that is proposed is dealt with as a matter of urgency.”
(Translation of quote made by the ruling PP of the Orihuela Town Council in document 2.9.- Contratacion - 185/235/08)
Los Verdes of Orihuela announce that the Residents in Orihuela Costa should see, in a short period of time, all the streets within the Orihuela Costa area of the Orihuela Municipality having street name signs, as this was approved in a recent meeting of the Government of Orihuela, and at the same time the official registered number, that will agree with the padron register, will be put on individual houses to avoid future problems to the Residents.
Amongst other measures the post code will change so that 03189 relates exclusively to the whole of Orihuela Costa, and this will include Dehesa de Campoamor.
At this moment it is solely a lack of the actual act of placing the names in the streets and the numbers on the properties, and all this work has to be completed, in accordance with the order of the European Parliament, before the 15th September of this year, 2008.
Therefore Los Verdes ask the Residents to check that the number put on their house corresponds with that on the padron register and that if the work is not completed by the 15th September 2008, in accordance with the mandate of the European Parliament, that they inform Los Verdes, with the objective that a public denouncement can be made in respect of this matter. To do this Residents can either email to , or contact one of the members of the Los Verdes Working Group in Orihuela Costa at the fortnightly surgery, or by telephone on 965319660 (English) or 965328190 (Multilingual).
Thursday, July 3, 2008
This is a wide ranging Byelaw that includes the responsibilities of owners of dogs in such items as; the ownership & control of dangerous dogs; the control of all dogs in public areas to ensure the safety and health of the public, including the legal requirement to clean up any faeces of their dog in public areas; exclusion of dogs from designated public recreation areas including beaches; protection of animals against cruelty, including leaving dogs in parked and unattended cars. It includes regulations in the treatment of abandoned and lost animals.
The Ordenanza was approved with a unanimous vote in agreement from all Councillors.
Los Verdes are delighted, as this is the culmination of the work that they have carried out since the 15th November 2007 when the party raised the matter of the lack of any legislation within the Orihuela Municipality in respect of this matter. Seven months of continually putting pressure on the ruling PP Council, by repeatedly raising this subject in the Pleno and with the Councillors responsible for drafting the Ordenanza, has seen fruition.
The approval of the Byelaw by the Pleno is the first part of the final procedure for the legislation to become effective. The next stage is that the text of the Ordenanza in its entirety has to be published in the Buletin Oficial de la Provincia of the Alicante Province. A period of 15 days is required for any final amendments to be considered before the legislation can become effective.
Following the proposal put forward by Los Verdes, the Pleno agreed that a full programme of Public information and awareness about the new Byelaw will be carried out. This will include the provision by the Council of a leaflet, to be freely available, in various languages, including Spanish, English, and German, to clarify the contents, effect, and penalties for non-compliance of the new Ordenanza. A programme of training is to be given to the Policia Local to ensure that members are aware of the details of the law.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Los Verdes report the PP & PAU 26 Illegal Tip to the Anti Corruption Prosecutor
Although in the first place, in a letter dated 25th September 2007 and signed by the Councillor for Infrastructure, Sr Manuel Abadia Martinez, the PP acknowledged the existence of the illegal tip, stated that the rubbish would be removed and the Green Zone returned to its natural condition, the undertakings given have not been completed. The PP has failed to take action on the proposals put to Los Verdes within the letter.
Los Verdes has submitted applications, motions, and other initiatives in various sessions of the Pleno (Council Meeting), which the PP have rejected with different reasons being given; always strange such as that the Green Zone is not within the PAU 26 sector, when in the letter mentioned the Councillor confirmed the location and the Company carrying out the tipping at the site. The PP has failed to deal with the situation of the continual illegal tipping at this site. It is benefiting Colsur S.L. the company currently collecting the rubbish from Orihuela Costa without having a contract, and with the warnings, month to month of the general auditing by the Orihuela Council about the irregularities of the payments to the Company.
Monday, June 16, 2008
The Second Los Verdes surgery in Orihuela Costa
Following on from the success of the first surgery we are pleased to confirm the date and time of the second of the ongoing local surgeries to be held by LOS VERDES (The Green Party) in Orihuela Costa as, between 10.30 am and 12.30 pm on Wednesday the 25th June 2008 at the Celtic Isle in Playa Flamenca.
Any Resident, irrespective of which political party they support, that has a problem; such as registering onto the Padron, registering on the Central Register of Foreigners (Residence Certificate), obtaining a SIP card, inadequate security in their area, being fed up with rubbish not being collected around their locality, and many others; that they feel the Los Verdes Councillors may be able to help with, then this is the opportunity to tell us.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Why didn't CLARO work with the other parties!
I posted a copy of the article ‘LOS VERDES First Surgery in Orihuela Costa is a Success!’ onto the forum on the website and received the following comment from a contributor to the site.
“I happen to support CLARO, but appreciate the good work Los Verdes are trying to achieve. It's a shame that there is so much friction between CLARO and Los Verdes, when the useless, some might say corrupt, PP and the not much better PSOE, dominate the political landscape in the region as a whole, if not on the coast.
The PP must love to see this situation. But that's politics for you I guess, and why people find it a turn off, despite the obvious mismanagement of the coast. Time for the two parties to start working together me thinks - but I doubt that will ever happen.”
The reply I posted was as follows, and can be seen at , and as the original article is on this Blog I thought it should be repeated here.
Thank you for your compliment about the work Los Verdes is doing.
On the question of the leaders of CLARO working with Los Verdes, or any other elected political party in the
Los Verdes of Orihuela is part of Los Verdes del Pais Valenciano, which in turn is part of Los Verdes España, which is part of the European Greens group. At all these levels Los Verdes work with other elected political parties where there is need to do so on a common issue of agreement.
At a local level the Councillors of the official opposition parties of Los Verdes, PSOE, and CLR have a very good day to day working relationship. In many cases where there is agreement on an issue a joint press conference is held and/or a joint press release issued by the three parties (examples in La Verdad and Diario Information ). This shows that Los Verdes of Orihuela have demonstrated by actions a willingness to work with other credible parties on matters of joint agreement whilst at all times maintaining the independent identity of the party.
In the latter part of 2006 the leaders of CLARO decided to start their own party as an independent political force because they said no other established party was interested in, or representing, the needs of the Orihuela Costa area. If they had wanted to work together with an existing political party, to improve the quality of life for the residents of the coast, that was the time to start.
LOS VERDES have been working hard for the citizens of the Orihuela district, including the Orihuela Costa area since 2003, when they were first established in this locality, and will continue to do so in the future. If I may, I would draw your attention to the following web page which lists the requests and interventions made to the Council by LOS VERDES through its Councillor Monserrate Guillén during the 2003 – 2006 period, specifically in respect of the Orihuela Costa area.
Had the instigators of CLARO wanted to work with Los Verdes for the benefit of the residents of Orihuela Costa, October 2006 was the time to start. But no, for their own, perhaps personal, political agenda, they chose to go it alone. They chose to fight the election in May 2007 with a Manifesto that copied many of the same objectives as that in the Los Verdes document. They chose to fight the election on an independent ticket, when they must have realised that under the D’Hondt system of proportional representation that operates in
The result was that because the leaders of CLARO chose not to work with Los Verdes or PSOE, or CLR, alternative parties to the PP, they wasted the votes of the residents who voted for CLARO, and allowed the PP to continue to rule and mismanage the
“The PP must love to see this situation” (repeat of section of quote above)
Of course they do because they were able to retain power whereas they thought they might not.
The presence of CLARO, and their unwillingness to work with, or within the well established other political parties, caused the opposite effect to that which it stated was one of the reasons for its existence!
As I said at the start of my post, you must look to the leaders of the party you support for the answers!
In hindsight perhaps I should have added the comment 'There is the saying divide and conquer and it's certainly true; Claro unnecessarily divided the anti PP vote so the PP conquered' to the reply.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
LOS VERDES First Surgery in Orihuela Costa is a Success!
Today saw the first LOS VERDES Surgery to be held in Orihuela Costa and all those Residents who had a face to face meeting with Monserrate Guillén, LOS VERDES Councillor for the Coast, commented that they felt their meeting to be most useful. It was said that it is good to be able to speak directly and freely to an elected representative who could act on their behalf to deal with the bureaucracy and indifferent, and in some cases rude, attitude shown to them by the Ayuntamiento. All the Residents will receive an answer to the many points that were discussed.
Monserrate Guillén was kept busy for a full two hours from
Future meetings will be held at the Celtic Isle in Playa Flamenca, with dates being announced on the ‘LOS VERDES in Orihuela Costa’ Blog, on the chat forums on and, and hopefully in the local newspapers. The next meeting is provisionally scheduled for either the 25th or 26th June (final date to be confirmed).
In order to try to reduce any waiting time on the day, we would suggest that anyone wishing to have a meeting could contact a member of the LOS VERDES Working Group for Orihuela Costa prior to the meeting, by telephone on 965319660 (English) or 965328190 (Multilingual), email at , or via the personal message facility on the chat forums.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Punta Prima beach doesn’t need Elevator access!
Los Verdes of Orihuela do not consider that the installation of an elevator within the Punta Prima playa is the most cost effective way of giving access to the beach to those visitors that have mobility problems.
Sra Monica Lorente, the PP Mayor of Orihuela, announced during a press conference on the 30th May 2008 that the lift is to be installed as part of the investment considered necessary to meet the conditions for obtaining a ‘Blue Flag’ for the beach.
There are other shortcomings and deficiencies within this beach area which makes it difficult to meet the criteria for the sought after ‘Blue Flag’, and Los Verdes consider that the proposed expenditure of 115,000 € is a disproportionate amount to spend on this project considering the needs for expenditure on public services in other areas of Orihuela Costa.
Taking into consideration the proposed location of the elevator, directly in front of the terrace of the Punta Prima restaurant; it is wondered whether or not this installation is considered necessary purely for those visitors who have physical disabilities which give rise to mobility problems, or if commercial criteria for the benefit of the restaurant is also behind this.
Is the lift going to be used predominantly by visitors who are laden with parasols, deck chairs, cool boxes, folding tables, games, and the many other items of paraphernalia that are taken to the beach, rather than the use of the stairs and ramp currently available, and suitable for people who do not have mobility problems?
The objective of giving easy access to the beach area to visitors who have genuine mobility problems is a scheme which Los Verdes wholeheartedly support and one which should receive attention at the earliest opportunity, but the installation of an elevator is not necessary. There is currently access available to the beach area and to the sea, below the level of the promenade known as Paseo Marítimo, via a ramp at the north end of the beach from Calle Crucero. At the present time the quality of access is not satisfactory for easy wheeled access, but with an investment far less than that of the cost of an elevator excellent access could be provided for, by upgrading the surface and angle of slope of the current ramp.
There are many additional questions which need to be considered about this installation, and we hope that the Alcadesa and her team have thought about them, such as;
As the lift is to grant access to the level of the beach itself what precautions are being taken to ensure the lift is not flooded by the sea during storms?
What are the budgeted annual maintenance costs of the lift?
What hours of the day will it be operational or will it operate 24 hours a day?
What precautions are to be taken to protect the lift from vandalism including graffiti?
Will there be any restrictions or limitations on who can use the lift?
What precautions or safeguards will there be to stop anti-social people practicing their anti-social habits inside the cabin of the lift?
What is the cleaning regime going to be to ensure the lift is fit to use as a lift and does not become a rubbish bin and a health hazard to members of the public that use it?
Providing access to public amenities for people with mobility problems is paramount, but the installation of an expensive elevator at this location is a PP publicity folly!
The waste of money proposed for this scheme (the elevator) could be used to provide better easier access at more locations within Orihuela Costa to improve the quality of life for more people!
Monday, June 9, 2008
CLARO supporters don’t need to be disenfranchised.
Letter to CLARO members & supporters.
“Orihuela Costa remains unrepresented in the new Town Hall”, and “It is incomprehensible that an area with 30% of the registered population does not elect a single counsellor to represent the interests of the people living here”, are misleading statements by the leaders of CLARO that have appeared in past editions of the party’s newsletter.
The interests of residents of Orihuela Costa are represented on the Town Council by LOS VERDES, through its three elected councillors, lead by Monserrate Guillén, who lives locally.
If you have a problem that you wish to discuss directly with the LOS VERDES (The Green Party) Councillor for the Coast, the surgery on
The leaders of CLARO state in a past newsletter, “Through this newsletter, we will be able to publicise your problems so the authorities in the
Take the opportunity now, and in the future, to talk face to face to a representative of an elected municipal opposition party within the Ayuntamiento about your concerns. It’s your right as a resident and an electorate.
LOS VERDES (The Green Party) of Orihuela are fully aware of, and proud of, their responsibility to represent all residents of Orihuela Costa; so come along if you have a problem or concern and see if we can help. If you can’t attend the surgery on
Friday, June 6, 2008
How the surgeries will be organised
I would like to clarify how the Los Verdes Surgeries in Orihuela Costa will be organised as there appears to be some confusion amongst residents.
The Surgery is open to any resident who lives within the
It is the aim to keep the personal meetings to approximately 10 minutes each, and where more time is required to fully cover a matter a follow up meeting will be arranged. The surgery will be open for approximately 2 hours. We will have translation facilities by los Verdes members.
It is not intended for the Surgeries to be presentations followed by an open discussion forum type of meeting. Where a subject of general public interest requires such a meeting we will hold one, but that is not the role of the Surgeries.
I hope this has helped to clarify any confusion that may exist.
Please tell all your friends and neighbours
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Los Verdes to hold Surgeries on the Coast
We are pleased to announce the first of the ongoing local surgeries to be held by Los Verdes (The Green Party) in Orihuela Costa, at
Any Resident, irrespective of which political party they support, that has a problem; such as registering onto the Padron, registering on the Central Register of Foreigners (Residence Certificate), obtaining a SIP card, inadequate security in their area, being fed up with rubbish not being collected around their locality, and many others; that they feel the Los Verdes Councillors may be able to help with, then this is the opportunity to tell us.
Councillor Monserrate Guillén will be present to talk to the Residents. Members of Los Verdes will be available to translate if necessary for English, German, French, Swedish, and of course Spanish.
It is the intention to hold the surgeries on a fortnightly basis, and in addition there is the day to day local availability of access to the Los Verdes Working Group for Orihuela Costa, made up of members who live in the area.
Monday, June 2, 2008
LOS VERDES applauded the Government's decision to deny clemency to ex-Alcalde of Orihuela and former Minister of the Valencian Government, Luis Fernando Cartagena and consider that the sentence imposed is a serious notice (a warning) for the plots of corruption that operate in the Vega Baja del Segura and throughout the Comunidad Valenciana.
LOS VERDES hope that justice will soon take account of other criminal cases that are still against this politician and former senior official of the People's Party, as well as the rest of the accused, such as the businessman of garbage, Angel Fenoll, amongst others.
The entry into prison by Luis Fernando Cartagena represents the sentence to a way of doing politics that has made it possible for certain characters to have been using democratic institutions as a mechanism to take advantage and to get rich to the point that anything goes in order to achieve those objectives.
The lack of means and the collapse suffered by the Administration of Justice in Spain and especially in the region of La Vega Baja del Segura and the difficulties involved for individuals and honest politicians to face up to these persons who engage in crime from the municipalities and other institutions of public administration, has meant that this mafia style of doing politics has been consolidated, expanded and refined.
LOS VERDES remain committed to working closely with the judiciary in the accusations of many irregularities detected in municipal life of some of the town halls in which they participate politically, and warn of the many obstacles that face their councillors in the work of control and inspection of the management of municipal governments in Town Halls such as those in Torrevieja and Orihuela, that only seek to conceal actions that if known would put Council leaders in the dock.
The above is my attempt at translation of following press release:
El ingreso en prisión de Luis Fernando Cartagena representa la condena a una forma de hacer política que ha hecho posible que determinados personajes hayan venido utilizando las instituciones democráticas como mecanismo para sacar provecho y enriquecerse, llegando al punto de que todo vale para conseguir dichos objetivos.
La falta de medios y el colapso que sufre la Administración de Justicia en España y muy especialmente en la comarca de la Vega Baja del Segura y las dificultades que entraña para los particulares y los políticos honestos enfrentarse a estos personajes que practican la delincuencia desde Los Ayuntamientos y otras instituciones de la Administración Pública, ha hecho que este estilo mafioso de hacer política se haya consolidado, extendido y perfeccionado.
LOS VERDES mantienen su compromiso de estrecha colaboración con la justicia en la denuncia de las muchas irregularidades que detectan en la vida municipal de algunos de los ayuntamientos en los que intervienen políticamente, y advierten que las muchas trabas que sufren sus concejales en las labores de control y de fiscalización de la gestión de los gobiernos municipales en Ayuntamientos como los de Orihuela y Torrevieja, sólo pretenden ocultar actuaciones que de conocerse sentarían a sus responsables en el banquillo de los acusados.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Parks and Gardens in the Orihuela Municipality
The first stage is that a working group of Loss Verdes members are visiting the parks and gardens in Orihuela town with the purpose of collecting information, and taking photographs, to highlight the deficiencies found in the areas. They will be looking at the safety aspect of using the areas, especially where there is a child play area; the condition of any equipment or services such as seats, child play equipment, fencing, drinking fountains, public toilets if there are any, and similar aspects; the cleanliness of the area and if any litter collection facilities are present.
Once the information is collated a report will be presented, accompanied by photographic evidence, to the Council. Within the dossier will be recommendations as to the improvements considered necessary to bring the locations up to specification to allow the public to enjoy the facilities in safety and comfort.
Because of the size of the Municipality the first stage is concentrated on
So that Los Verdes members on the coast can be ready when asked, Residents of Orihuela Costa will be asked for their help now. Notices will be sent out by email and chat forums to ask them to start looking at the parks and gardens in public areas within Orihuela Costa and make notes about any deficiencies and safety hazards as well as take photographs. Recreation facilities within individual Community’s areas are not to be considered as those areas are not the responsibility of the Council. The Residents are asked to forward the information to the Los Verdes de Orihuela email address.